Solved: FINAL RESEARCH PROJECT COMPONENT 2: Thesis and Annotated Bibliography


You will provide an overarching thesis that you have eventually settled upon over the course of the two previous assignments and in relation to your accumulated research.

You will address this thesis statement in all of your entries for your annotated bibliography while will require (at minimum) 3 academic sources and 2 public-facing sources.

Each entry will be made up of a 250-word entry that explains why you chose this entry, how it relates/responds/helped to inform your thesis/and what you learned from it/this is relevant. 

Guidelines and Parameters: ( using the previous assignment’s organisation) which is Vancouver Art Gallery.

Step 1: Introduction. You will include a short introduction prior to any annotations. This introduction should be approximately the same length as one annotation (i.e., 250-300 words). Your introduction will introduce basic details of your case study and the area of focus you have chosen for your research assignment. It will also include a clear and directed thesis statement. Here is a great resourceLinks to an external site. writing a strong thesis statement that you are welcome to consult. 

 Step 2: Annotations. You will then proceed to annotate your sources. You will include 3 academic sources and 2 public-facing sources. It does not matter what order you list them in your bibliography but you may want to list them in a way that tells a narrative, or in other words, a story about your research process and how you came about your thesis statement. Each annotation will be 250-300 words. Each annotation with have the bibliographic entry listed atop of the annotation. For example, see the Annotated Bibliography resource guide made by Paulina specifically for our course. In this resource guide, Paulina has also put together an Annotated Bibliography worksheet for you. Please consider using this worksheet as a template, to help you with your annotations, as you will be required to (1) summarize the reading, (2) explain how it is relevant to your case study, and (3) what it says in reference to your thesis statement. The worksheet provided by Paulina helps you meet all of these targets and expectations, however, if you choose to use the worksheet, do not submit the workshop as part of your submission! Step 2 requires short paragraphs, in full sentences for each annotation. You are writing little, tiny mini essays, in a way. 

Step 3: Conclusion. You will re-summarize your thesis and findings in a very short concluding paragraph that does not need to be longer than 200 words, but it should re-summarize your project, thesis, and findings and offer 1-2 concluding thoughts

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