Solved: Food Delivery Intervention


we have worked hard to identify ultimate/proximate causes of poor health outcomes and understand the tools public health researchers and epidemiologists have at their disposal to understand relationships between risk factors and health outcomes. I’d like you to place that information in context and ask a new questions, how do we measure health interventions impact? How do we decide where along a causal path to intervene?

Group 1 Food Policy in Public Housing 

Follow the link and do some digging, pick a specific action like community farms in Pink Houses, facilitating to an external site. 

Group 2 Plant-based Lifestyle Medicine Program to an external site. to an external site.

Group 3 Screening for Food Insecurity at Clinical Encounters

Follow the link and read through intervention 1.0.6, listed under Food interventions to an external site.

Group 4 Food Retail Expansion to Improve Health to an external site.

answer the questions in the pdf attached and complete the table. 

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