Solved: Functional Health Patterns Related to an Individual Concept Map


Develop a concept map showing the interrelationship between functional health
patterns and functional, potentially dysfunctional, and actually dysfunctional categories
of behavior for the individual. Use lines, shapes, and color creativity to show the
relationships. Review the scoring rubric before you begin your work.
Submissi on
Save your file using the naming convention of First Name_Last Name_Assignment Title.
Your assignment is due Sunday, 11:59 PM (MT).
Your submission will be checked for plagiarism using TurnItIn, a service that compares
your work to a vast amount of other writings, including textbooks, articles, and other
student papers.
NUR Concept Map Rubric
NUR Concept Map Rubric
Criteria Ratings
This criterion is linked to
a Learning
20 to >18.0 pts
(100% of points
for this criterion)
The map contains
no errors or
18 to >16.0 pts
(90% of points
for this criterion)
The map contains
only a few minor
errors but is
accurate on all
key concepts.
16 to >15.0 pts
Barely Meets
Expectations (80% of
points for this
The map contains
several minor errors or
at least one major
error or misconception
but is accurate on
most key concepts.
15 to >0.0 pts
Does Not Meet
Expectations (<80% of points for this criterion) The map includes many minor or major errors or misconceptions. Inaccurate on many key concepts. 0 pts Not Present This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeComprehensiveness 20 to >18.0 pts
(100% of points for
this criterion)
The map
demonstrates indepth knowledge of
the topic. The map
contains all key
concepts. Complex
thinking about the
central concept is
18 to >16.0 pts
Expectations (90%
of points for this
The map
demonstrates good
knowledge of topic.
The map contains
most key concepts
but does not
complex thinking.
16 to >15.0 pts
Barely Meets
Expectations (80%
of points for this
The map
moderate knowledge
of topic. The map
contains only a few
key concepts and
those presented are
weakly developed.
15 to >0.0 pts
Does Not Meet
(<80% of points for this criterion) The map demonstrates only superficial knowledge of topic. The map contains hardly any key concepts and those that are presented are not developed. 0 pts Not Present NUR Concept Map Rubric Criteria Ratings This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization and Structure 20 to >18.0 pts
Expectations (100%
of points for this
The map is nonlinear
and treelike.
Concepts and links
are easy to follow
and understand. The
map demonstrates all
connections between
concepts and linking
words, accurately
relationships. Map is
clearly legible.
18 to >16.0 pts
Meets Expectations
(90% of points for
this criterion)
The map is
nonlinear. The
concepts and links
are easy to follow
and understand. The
map demonstrates
most connections
between concepts. A
few linking words
are omitted or
inappropriate. Most
of map is clearly
16 to >15.0 pts
Barely Meets
Expectations (80%
of points for this
The map is nonlinear
but the concepts and
links are difficult to
follow. The map
demonstrates only a
few connections
between concepts.
Many linking words
are omitted or
inappropriate. Much
of map is difficult to
15 to >0.0 pts
Does Not Meet
(<80% of points for this criterion) The map is generally linear or disorganized. The map fails to demonstrate connections between concepts. It is difficult to identify the central concept. The map is not legible. 0 pts Not Present NUR Concept Map Rubric Criteria Ratings This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreativity 20 to >18.0 pts
Expectations (100%
of points for this
The concept map
illustrates creativity in
layout, use of shapes,
use of color, and
Color is used to
improve clarity.
18 to >16.0 pts
Meets Expectations
(90% of points for
this criterion)
The concept map
illustrates creativity in
layout, use of shapes,
use of color, and
Color is used to
improve clarity.
16 to >15.0 pts
Barely Meets
Expectations (80% of
points for this
The concept map
illustrates minimal
creativity in layout, use
of shapes, use of color,
or interconnectedness.
Color is used primarily
for aesthetics rather
than clarity.
15 to >0.0 pts
Does Not
(<80% of points for this criterion) The concept map shows limited or no creativity. 0 pts Not Present NUR Concept Map Rubric Criteria Ratings This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources Current resources should have a publication date within the last 5 years unless seminal publication. 20 to >18.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
(100% of points for
this criterion)
The concept map is
based on multiple
(>10) references
including material
from professional
journals and
noncommercial (e.g.
gov, edu, org)
websites. Multiples
current articles are
included in references.
There are no errors in
APA citations or
18 to >16.0 pts
Meets Expectations
(90% of points for
this criterion)
The concept map is
based on multiple
references including
material from
professional journals
and noncommercial
(e.g. gov, edu, org)
websites. At least two
current articles are
included in references.
There are only 1-2
minor errors in APA
citations or references.
16 to >15.0 pts
Barely Meets
(80% of points
for this criterion)
The concept map
is based on
references limited
to textbooks or
commercial (e.g.
.com) websites.
There are several
errors in APA
citations and
15 to >0.0 pts
Does Not Meet
(<80% of points
for this
The concept map
is based solely on
personal opinion,
lay literature, or
websites. There
are multiple
errors in APA
citations and
0 pts
Total Points: 100
Add reaction
Order Two 250 bob 1 page
Clinical Alert
Ove rvie w/Case St udy
In a data brief from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Kramarow (2019)
notes that while overall sepsis-related death rates declined for adults aged 65 and older
between 2000 through 2019, there were spikes in several categories. Sepsis related
death rates were higher for adults aged 85 and over, Black, Asian and Hispanic adults
aged 65 and older, and adults aged 65 and older in rural areas. See the link below for the
NCHS data brief.
Acknowledging the multiple studies on sepsis mortality, many healthcare facilities
worked to design processes and alert systems using technology to identify patients at
risk or who show early symptoms of sepsis. For example, The University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center developed a process for evaluating, treating, and managing
adult inpatients at risk or exhibiting symptoms of sepsis. See their algorithm hereLinks to
an external site..

  • Craig, S. (2021, June 10). Sepsis patient case
    study. HIMSS.
  • Kramarow, E. A. (2021, November). Sepsis-related mortality among adults aged 65 and over:
    United States, 2019. National Center for Health
    Statistics. to an external site.
  • The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. (2022). Inpatient sepsis management
    – adult. to an external site.
    Write a post on the topic and thoroughly express your thoughts on the ideas. Remember
    to cite your sources!
    Reply to at least two of your peers.
    Post & Eng age
    Please answer the following questions pertaining to the scenario. Use the references
    above or other scholarly resources to augment your discussions.
  1. Review the case scenario above and the associated referenced resources. Pay
    particular attention to the MD Anderson Cancer Center sepsis algorithm.
  2. Select and research a different clinical issue. (DO NOT USE SEPSIS AS YOUR
  3. What is that clinical issue?
  4. How does your selected clinical issue affect patient safety or health outcomes?
  5. How could the use of a clinical decision support system (CDSS) be effective as a
    component of a prevention program related to your selected clinical issue?
  6. What types of data would you expect to be utilized from the CDSS in that
    prevention program? Support your discussion with scholarly resources. How
    does the literature inform nursing practice as to the essential data elements in
    that prevention program?
    Order 3 budget 300 bob
    Functional Health Patterns Related to a Family
    Concept Map
    Ove rvie w/Scena rio
    Investigate Functional Health Patterns Related to a Family.
    I nstr uctio ns
    Adapt the concept map that you developed in the last module to now show the
    interrelationship between functional health patterns and functional, potentially
    dysfunctional, and actually dysfunctional categories of behavior for the family. Use lines,
    shapes, and color creativity to show the relationships. Review the scoring rubric before
    you begin your work.
    Submissi on
    Save your file using the naming convention of First Name_Last Name_Assignment Title.
    Your assignment is due Sunday, 11:59 PM (MT).
    Your submission will be checked for plagiarism using TurnItIn, a service that compares
    your work to a vast amount of other writings, including textbooks, articles, and other
    student papers.
    NUR Concept Map Rubric
    NUR Concept Map Rubric
    Criteria Ratings
    This criterion is linked to
    a Learning
    20 to >18.0 pts
    (100% of points
    for this criterion)
    The map contains
    no errors or
    18 to >16.0 pts
    (90% of points
    for this criterion)
    The map contains
    only a few minor
    errors but is
    accurate on all
    key concepts.
    16 to >15.0 pts
    Barely Meets
    Expectations (80% of
    points for this
    The map contains
    several minor errors or
    at least one major
    error or misconception
    but is accurate on
    most key concepts.
    15 to >0.0 pts
    Does Not Meet
    Expectations (<80% of points for this criterion) The map includes many minor or major errors or misconceptions. Inaccurate on many key concepts. 0 pts Not Present This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeComprehensiveness 20 to >18.0 pts
    (100% of points for
    this criterion)
    The map
    demonstrates indepth knowledge of
    the topic. The map
    contains all key
    concepts. Complex
    thinking about the
    central concept is
    18 to >16.0 pts
    Expectations (90%
    of points for this
    The map
    demonstrates good
    knowledge of topic.
    The map contains
    most key concepts
    but does not
    complex thinking.
    16 to >15.0 pts
    Barely Meets
    Expectations (80%
    of points for this
    The map
    moderate knowledge
    of topic. The map
    contains only a few
    key concepts and
    those presented are
    weakly developed.
    15 to >0.0 pts
    Does Not Meet
    (<80% of points for this criterion) The map demonstrates only superficial knowledge of topic. The map contains hardly any key concepts and those that are presented are not developed. 0 pts Not Present NUR Concept Map Rubric Criteria Ratings This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization and Structure 20 to >18.0 pts
    Expectations (100%
    of points for this
    The map is nonlinear
    and treelike.
    Concepts and links
    are easy to follow
    and understand. The
    map demonstrates all
    connections between
    concepts and linking
    words, accurately
    relationships. Map is
    clearly legible.
    18 to >16.0 pts
    Meets Expectations
    (90% of points for
    this criterion)
    The map is
    nonlinear. The
    concepts and links
    are easy to follow
    and understand. The
    map demonstrates
    most connections
    between concepts. A
    few linking words
    are omitted or
    inappropriate. Most
    of map is clearly
    16 to >15.0 pts
    Barely Meets
    Expectations (80%
    of points for this
    The map is nonlinear
    but the concepts and
    links are difficult to
    follow. The map
    demonstrates only a
    few connections
    between concepts.
    Many linking words
    are omitted or
    inappropriate. Much
    of map is difficult to
    15 to >0.0 pts
    Does Not Meet
    (<80% of points for this criterion) The map is generally linear or disorganized. The map fails to demonstrate connections between concepts. It is difficult to identify the central concept. The map is not legible. 0 pts Not Present NUR Concept Map Rubric Criteria Ratings This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreativity 20 to >18.0 pts
    Expectations (100%
    of points for this
    The concept map
    illustrates creativity in
    layout, use of shapes,
    use of color, and
    Color is used to
    improve clarity.
    18 to >16.0 pts
    Meets Expectations
    (90% of points for
    this criterion)
    The concept map
    illustrates creativity in
    layout, use of shapes,
    use of color, and
    Color is used to
    improve clarity.
    16 to >15.0 pts
    Barely Meets
    Expectations (80% of
    points for this
    The concept map
    illustrates minimal
    creativity in layout, use
    of shapes, use of color,
    or interconnectedness.
    Color is used primarily
    for aesthetics rather
    than clarity.
    15 to >0.0 pts
    Does Not
    (<80% of points for this criterion) The concept map shows limited or no creativity. 0 pts Not Present NUR Concept Map Rubric Criteria Ratings This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources Current resources should have a publication date within the last 5 years unless seminal publication. 20 to >18.0 pts
    Exceeds Expectations
    (100% of points for
    this criterion)
    The concept map is
    based on multiple
    (>10) references
    including material
    from professional
    journals and
    noncommercial (e.g.
    gov, edu, org)
    websites. Multiples
    current articles are
    included in references.
    There are no errors in
    APA citations or
    18 to >16.0 pts
    Meets Expectations
    (90% of points for
    this criterion)
    The concept map is
    based on multiple
    references including
    material from
    professional journals
    and noncommercial
    (e.g. gov, edu, org)
    websites. At least two
    current articles are
    included in references.
    There are only 1-2
    minor errors in APA
    citations or references.
    16 to >15.0 pts
    Barely Meets
    (80% of points
    for this criterion)
    The concept map
    is based on
    references limited
    to textbooks or
    commercial (e.g.
    .com) websites.
    There are several
    errors in APA
    citations and
    15 to >0.0 pts
    Does Not Meet
    (<80% of points
    for this
    The concept map
    is based solely on
    personal opinion,
    lay literature, or
    websites. There
    are multiple
    errors in APA
    citations and
    0 pts
    Total Points: 100
    Order 4 budget 250 bob
    Affordable Care Act (ACA)
    Ove rvie w
    In 2010, the US Congress passed and the president signed into law the Affordable Care
    Act (ACA). Nurses have played a critical role in designing and supporting the passage of
    some of the provisions of the ACA.
    R e m i n d e r s
  • Other students’ posts will be hidden until your initial response is posted.
  • See the Discussion Guidelines for general guidelines for completing a discussion
    Post & Eng age
    I n i t i a l P o s t
    Discuss how the ACA helps improve health care quality.
    Order 5 budget ppt 300 bob
    PowerPoint Cultivation, Phase 3
    Ove rvie w/Scena rio
    This is Phase 3 of your PowerPoint Cultivation Assignment. Add these slides to the
    template containing your content for Phase 1 and 2.
    This week, you will submit slides 6 and 7. Your final PowerPoint submission will be
    in Module 11. It is extremely important that you utilize feedback given by your faculty to
    revise each part prior to final submission. This assignment is significantly weighed in your
    final course grade.
    Your oral presentation using Kaltura will be due in Module 12. This presentation is a
    professional presentation that needs to be clear, concise, and grammatically correct. You
    will be required to support EACH slide with references.
    References must be less than ten years old.
    I nstr uctio ns
    Quality, not quantity, in healthcare allows for higher reimbursement rates. Yet, the
    United States still pays an astronomical amount in healthcare costs each year. Conduct a
    search on the costs of healthcare in the United States
    Some examples of sites to research
  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid ServicesLinks to an external site.
  • John HopkinsLinks to an external site.
  • World Health OrganizationLinks to an external site.
  • American Medical AssociationLinks to an external site.
  • Centers for Disease Control and PreventionLinks to an external site.
  • Healthpay 24Links to an external site.
    For Slide 6 include the following information:
  • Provide six explanations as to why the United States has significant
    healthcare costs.
  • Your explanations should be supported with evidence.
    For Slide 7:
    Policy creation and implementation at all levels of healthcare have a collective impact on
    quality and safety (Sherwood & Barnsteiner, 2022). Policies and legislation help to inform
    position statements and vice versa.
    Read ANA Official Position Statements (American Nursing Association)Links to an
    external site.
    You will select one position statement. Take a stand.
  • Do you agree with the position statement? Why or why not?
  • How does your stance support healthcare quality and safety?
  • Your explanations should be supported with evidence.
    See the PowerPoint Presentation Guidelines for complete project guidelines.
    Material for map assignment
    Module 7 ***Bonus article (an excellent read! Feel free to use it as a source. ***must
    read! to an external
    Concept Map Instructions
    Select one of the following families. You will then create a concept map with your family
    in the center. Using Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns, provide functional assessment
    information for each category. The assessment data will be created by you and
    correspond with the correct category.
    Family 1
    Childbearing family
    Family 2
    Family with school-age children
    Family 3
    Family with adolescents

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