You must include 4 to 5 process documents and then write the personal theory of writing for the second goal.
one of the process document must be the genre analysis workflow document, another one must be the Discourse Community mindmap, the other 3 is your choice.
The 2 mentioned documents are attached already.
The following papers (attached) are very important. You have to read them to familiarize yourself with was done in Assignment 1 and 2
- Discourse Community Analysis(1)(1)
- Genre Analysis Assgn 2
This two previous documents will tell you the Discourse community we chose (which UTMSU), how we analyzed it. And assign 2 will tell you 3 Genres (which are slang, blogs, and emails/newletters) we selected that are used in this discourse community (which is UTMSU)
Once you have done that. You will now PICK one GENRE from the 3 and the discourse community (which is University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union (UTMSU)) to USE in Assign 3 – Final Portifolio
The sources used in the 2 assignments can be transferred to Assign 3 as you see fit
Once you have selected one GENRE from the 3 (Slang, blogs, or emails and newsletters) you will now follow exactly what is highlighted in “Assignment 3: Genre Analysis” (doc titled “Genre Analysis Workflow(3)”
Follow keenly the instructions in “Genre Analysis Workflow(3)”. Then you will be able to finish assign 3 comfortably
You are allowed to use first person, since we were talking about a discourse community (which UTMSU) you belong.
Assigments 1 and 2 has some examples of genres (that is if you choose either slang, blogs, or emails)
You just assume you are a student at University of Toronto Mississauga and a member of the Student Union.
So we just want to know HOW genre (SLANG, blogs, or emails) is Used with this STUDENT UNION
So to get info Visit University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union (UTMSU)
- Website ——UTMSU. (2024). About Us.
- Social media platforms (Twitter Facebook., etc)
- Anything that will just give you screenshots or images of your SELECTED genre (SLANG, BLOGS, OR EMAIL or newsletters)
- In simple terms, we just want to know HOW you and others in the STUDENT union communicate or connect through THIS ONE GENRE (that is (SLANG, BLOGS, OR EMAIL or newsletters)[gm1]
Once you have selected 1 GENRE. You can even LOOK UP info about any STUDENT UNION FROM any university around that world and restructure it for fit yours. Nobody will KNOW. Be smart
[gm1]Choose only 1