Solved: Group Case: Zappos Customer Loyalty Team


Please see the spreadsheet with data posted on Bb for your convenience.
Please turn in a PDF/Word document with the case write-up and your spreadsheet; one submission
per group. Your report should be self-explanatory and should avoid extensive references to the
spreadsheet. That is, the reader should be able to understand the logic of your calculations, the
underlying assumptions and your recommendations without having to resort to your spreadsheet.
Clarification: For your analysis you can focus on Exhibit 4 of the spreadhseet. The information
regarding the service rate is provided in the case.
Assignment Questions:

  1. What is Zappos’s strategy? On what competitive dimensions does the company compete (see
    Week 1)?
  2. How does the customer loyalty team (CLT) feed into this strategy?
  3. What types of variability does the CLT experience? Can it or should it do anything about
  4. Analyze staffing. Use the half-hour slots from 6:30 am to 1:30 pm. How many staff do they
    need for each slot to achieve their goals of 80% utilization and less than 20 seconds wait time?
    Can both be achieved by the same staffing level? Should they use a different goal? Why?
    Assume that arrivals are exponential and that the Cs = 1.25.
  5. Staffing:
    (a) Which approach better fits the Zappos business strategy-filling shift request by seniority
    or by performance? Which do you recommend and why?
    (b) Should Zappos use corporate employees during the holiday season?

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