Solved: Identify two leadership theories or models, or approaches and analyse them based on this structure: Solved:


 An introduction – give an overview of the application of leadership theories in healthcare by supporting your work with references to the pertinent literature. 

Within your introduction, you should also indicate what you will cover in the assessment, which leadership theories/frameworks you are discussing, and why you are selecting them. 

 Description and analysing/ comparing of the theories: Describe the two leadership theories, providing a brief description of what the theory/model/approach is, who wrote it, where it arose from, when and what are its key features/elements.

Critically review these by:

• Use literature to analyse and debate the strengths, limitations, and evidence base of the chosen theories/models/approaches. Consider the context of its development, why this was needed and consider what has influenced its development. You can do the analysis by looking at each of your two choices separately or comparing and contrasting as you go through the critical review process.

Application to the healthcare setting:

Consider and discuss the application of the chosen theories to a healthcare setting of your choice. The setting might be a specific area that you had experience working at or discuss as a general in healthcare. However it should be clear how do you want to apply the theories in the setting and how these theories could improve the situation by supporting your work with references to the pertinent literature and be analytical, involving critical and independent thinking.

Discuss how self-awareness, emotional and cultural intelligent can help you to have a better leadership based on the chosen theories in the healthcare setting. 

Consider using a critical writing framework to help you in your analysis and application.

Give a summary: and conclude your work with the key points.


Harvard referencing is needed, and please adhere to academic guidelines and level 7 marking criteria.

Check your grammar and referencing: including your reference list. Use ‘Cite them Right‘ from the library website to check your referencing. 

You need to primarily use academic sources (mostly journal articles, with some textbooks for context), and please do not rely on internet sources (websites). The work should show that you understand and can interpret the relevant literature.  

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