Solved: Impact of Social Isolation on Dream Content during COVID-19


Impact of Social Isolation on Dream Content during COVID-19

-Please try to read other studies about the relationship between COVID and dreaming.

-Dream experiences are sensitive to daytime emotional experiences.

-Dream can serve the function of rehearsing threats (threat simulation theory).

So after you read you try to point out research gaps and adapt them according to your review of the literature as you think appropriate: –any studies about the relation between COVID distress and dream intensity and typical dream content? –Any studies about the effect of social isolation on dream intensity and typical dream content?

wide evidence suggests that psychological distress strongly predicts dream experiences.

The concept is: strong COVID distress > strong dream intensity (e.g., more dream recall, higher nightmare frequency, more nightmare awakenings, etc.) or more intense typical dream content, especially persecutory dream themes (i.e., as opposed to direct representation of COVID concerns in dreams). This resonates with 3-tier model of dream expression that presented in several previous articles, The evidence converged in suggesting that typical themes dreamed by people today can be traced back to the earliest recorded history, although the same themes might carry varying meanings that match the dreamers’ preoccupations and historical backgrounds.

Here I found the other studies have showed traumatic experiences are related to typical dream themes: ofcourse we should add many many refrences but I can use this as refrence as I checked already have info:

Yu, C. K.-C., & Au, P.-K. (2023). Attachment, childhood trauma, and dreaming. Dreaming, 33(3), 221–234.

Liu, Y., Partinen, E., Chan, N. Y., Dauvilliers, Y., Inoue, Y., De Gennaro, L., … & Wing, Y. K. (2023). Dream‐enactment behaviours during the COVID‐19 pandemic: an international COVID‐19 sleep study. Journal of Sleep Research32(1), e13613.

Yu, C. K.-C. (2014). Psychopathological symptoms as a function of trauma, dreams, and inhibitions. Dreaming, 24(4), 309-322.

It was further hypothesized that the COVID distress on dream experiences can be moderated by the social isolation. For example, the relation between COVID distress and nightmare frequency can be intensified when people feel that they are isolated or they can no longer preserve their normal social connections. This might be especially true if they were actually infected and were quarantined.

ofcourse we should add many many refrences but I can use this as refrence as I checked already have info:

Parrello, S., Sommantico, M., Lacatena, M., & Iorio, I. (2021). Adolescents’ dreams under COVID-19 isolation. International Journal of Dream Research, 10-20.

Pasini, E., & Trimboli, C. (2023). Dreams and Collective Trauma. In A Social Dreaming Experience at the Time of COVID 19 (pp. 7-21). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Writing introduction and literature review based on the above, (check references exist then add). In. literature explain the variables and other important note. Such as the inform about  this issue in HK, etc.



To be eligible for this study, individuals must be between the ages of 18 and 65 in  Hong Kong. There was a total of 213 participants (78 male and 135 female) and the average age is 24.41 (SD = 6.68, range = 18–54). Among the participants, 58% were students while the remaining 42% were currently employed. Data collected from August 2022 to March 2023.


Write the results and discussion sections based on the findings below.

CORPD was correlated negatively with LSNS-6 (r = -.534, p < .001) and positively with SI-SF-8 (r = .340, p < .001).

LSNS-6 and SI-SF-8 were negatively correlated with each other (r = -.324, p < .001).

CORPD, LSNS-6, and SI-SF-8 were not significantly correlated with any dream scores (all p values > .05).

Participants who were infected with COVID before showed a larger SI-SF-8 score than did participants without infected before (t = 2.366, p = .019, Cohen’s d = .348).

Whether the participants infected before significantly moderate the effect of CORPD on DMS Grandiosity (t = 2.5217, p = .0125, LLCI = .0326, ULCI = .2662). Specifically, the CORPD positively predicted the DMS Grandiosity in the participants infected before (Effect = .1017, se = .0492, t = 2.0688, p = .0398, LLCI = .0048, ULCI = .1986) but not in those not infected (Effect = -.0477, se = .0331, t = -1.4425, p = .1507, LLCI = -.1129, ULCI = .0175).

Whether the participants infected before significantly moderate the effect of LSNS-6 on the DIS total (t = -2.1851, p = .0300, LLCI = -2.0686, ULCI = -.1062). Specifically, the LSNS-6 significantly and negatively predicted the DIS total in the participants infected before (Effect = -.8182, se = .4025, t = -2.0326, p = .0434, LLCI = -1.6118, ULCI = -.0245) but not in those not infected (Effect = .2692, se = .2926, t = .9201, p = .3586, LLCI = -.3077, ULCI = .8461). The same applied to the DIS Diffusion score. The LSNS-6 negatively predicted the DIS Diffusion score in the participants infected before (Effect = -.3358, se = .1236, t = -2.7175, p = .0071, LLCI = -.5795, ULCI = -.0921) but not in those not infected (Effect = .0073, se = .0898, t = .0811, p = .9354, LLCI = -.1698, ULCI = .1844).

The LSNS-6 significantly moderated the effect of SI-SF-8 on DMS Ego Ideal (t =, p =, LLCI =, ULCI =). Specifically, the SI-SF-8 significantly and negatively predicted the Ego Ideal score in the participants with the low and average LSNS-6 levels (Effect =, se =, t =, p =, LLCI = , ULCI =) but not in those with the high LSNS-6 level (Effect =, se =, t =, p =, LLCI = , ULCI =). The same moderation effect was not significant for the DMS Grandiosity and Persecution scores.

Discussion writing up

Within the infected group, the more COVID-related distressed, the more an individual dream about grandiose themes.

Within the infected group, the fewer number of relatives and friends an individual socially engaged, the more intense their dream experiences were. This was not the case in those without infected. 

For people with smaller or average social network, more perceived social isolation is related to dreaming fewer themes with ego concerns. This is not the case for other major dream themes.

Limitation: The data was collected during the fifth wave of COVID-19 (from December 2021 till January 2023) in Hong Kong.

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