Solved: implementation of appropriate data structures and algorithms


5SENG003W Algorithms – Coursework (2023/24)
Module leader Klaus Draeger
Unit Coursework
Weighting: 50%
Qualifying mark 30%
Description Solving sliding puzzles using path finding
Learning Outcomes
Covered in this
This assignment contributes towards the following Learning Outcomes (LOs):

  • LO2: Be able to apply the theory for the effective design and
    implementation of appropriate data structures and algorithms in order
    to resolve the problem at hand;
  • LO3: Be able to analyse, predict, compare and contrast the performance of
    designed and implemented algorithms, particularly in the context of
    processing data;
  • LO4: Be able to use a range of typical data structures and collections as
    part of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) offered by
    programming languages;
  • LO5: Be able to apply the theory for the definition and implementation of
    novel algorithms.
    Handed Out: February 2024
    Due Date 13:00, Tuesday, 16th April 2024
    Expected deliverables
    A zip file containing the source code in Java or C++,
    a short report (no more than 3 pages pdf).
    Method of Submission:
    Electronic submission on Blackboard via a provided link close to the submission
    Type of Feedback and Due
    Written feedback within 15 working days.
    2.1.1 Knowledge and understanding of facts, concepts, principles
    & theories
    2.1.3 Problem solving strategies
    2.1.5 Deploy theory in design, implementation and evaluation of
    2.2.2 Evaluate systems in terms of quality and trade-offs
    2.3.2 Development of general transferable skills
    3.2.2 Defining problems, managing design process and evaluating
    4.1.1 Knowledge and understanding of scientific principles
    4.1.2 Knowledge and understanding of mathematical and statistical
    4.2.1 Use theoretical and practical methods in analysis and problem
    Assessment regulations
    Refer to section 4 of the “How you study” guide for undergraduate students for a clarification of how you are
    assessed, penalties and late submissions, what constitutes plagiarism etc.
    Penalty for Late Submission
    If you submit your coursework late but within 24 hours or one working day of the specified deadline, 10 marks
    will be deducted from the final mark, as a penalty for late submission, except for work which obtains a mark in
    the range 40 – 49%, in which case the mark will be capped at the pass mark (40%). If you submit your coursework
    more than 24 hours or more than one working day after the specified deadline you will be given a mark of zero
    for the work in question unless a claim of Mitigating Circumstances has been submitted and accepted as valid.
    It is recognised that on occasion, illness or a personal crisis can mean that you fail to submit a piece of work on
    time. In such cases you must inform the Campus Office in writing on a mitigating circumstances form, giving the
    reason for your late or non-submission. You must provide relevant documentary evidence with the form. This
    information will be reported to the relevant Assessment Board that will decide whether the mark of zero shall
    stand. For more detailed information regarding University Assessment Regulations, please refer to the following
    Coursework Description: Sliding puzzles
    In this coursework, you are supposed to use path finding to solve a type of puzzle that occurs
    in many video games. The basic version that we will be dealing with is this:
    The player starts at the location labelled “S” and wants to reach the finish, labelled “F”. Each
    turn they choose one of the four cardinal directions to move. However, except for S and F the
    floor is covered in frictionless ice, so they will keep sliding in the chosen direction until they
    hit the wall surrounding the area, or one of the rocks (labelled “0”). For example, starting in
    the map given above:
    the player (“@”) moving left would end up here:
    So we are dealing with the problem of finding a path from S to F, but the reachability relation
    between points is not the usual one.

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