Solved: Lab report


The purpose of this lab exercise is to design an on-grid, net metering solar power system with the intent to cover 100% of your electrical needs based on historical utility grid energy use. After comparing the solar power system to the utility grid here in Midland, you’ll compare your Midland solar power system to one in a northern city in the U.S., where the solar energy dynamic is different.

The instructional resources to complete this lab exercise are:

1. Student Assignments of Northern Cities (pdf). Students will be assigned a unique northern city from which they will collect data to compare to the Midland solar power system

2. Lab Report (Word). You will hand it in for a grade.

3. Lab Exercise (Word). This file has introductory material, lab objectives and procedures to complete the lab report.

4. A PowerPoint file which help you with the procedures to complete the lab.

5. Utility Grid data. A pdf file that has historical energy consumption data from the utility grid. This data provides the basis for the design of the solar power system, so energy supply can be delivered by the solar power system instead of purchasing it off the utility grid.

6. Solar versus Grid Data Calculations (Excel). This file will collect monthly data for the utility grid and solar power systems (Midland and your northern city), and generate calculations to help summarize the comparisons required in the lab report. 

7. Instructional videos (see below)

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