Solved: Lesson 8Quiz


  1. Question 13 PointsThe North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA):prevented immigrants from crossing the bordercancelled the debts of both Mexico and Canadacaused unemployment to sharply dropopened America’s borders to the free flow of capital and goods
  2. Question 23 PointsThe Bush Doctrine was a policy in which:the United States would have the right to unilaterally and preemptively make war on any regime or terrorist organization that posed a threat to the United States or to U.S. citizensthe United States would have the right to unilaterally and preemptively make war on any communist regime threatening an ally of the U.S.the United States would have the right to unilaterally and preemptively make war on any nation violating human rights or free tradeNone of the answers
  3. Question 33 PointsThe #MeToo movement came about because of this issue:The Pro-life vs. Pro-choice debatePast sexual crimes of notable male celebritiesImmigration reformsNone of the answers
  4. Question 43 PointsWhen the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, the United States financed and armed anti-Soviet insurgents called:TalibanContrasMujahideenal-Qaeda
  5. Question 53 PointsSaddam Hussein refused the demands of the United Nations to:cease all nuclear weapon testingallow weapons inspectors into Iraqwithdraw from Kuwaitrelease all political prisoners
  6. Question 63 PointsWho said, “Government cannot solve our problems…it cannot eliminate poverty, or provide a bountiful economy, or reduce inflation, or save our cities, or cure illiteracy, or provide energy”?Ronald ReaganGerald FordTed KennedyJimmy Carter
  7. Question 73 PointsWho was the first African American man to run for president?Barack ObamaJesse JacksonFrederick DouglassColin Powell
  8. Question 83 PointsReagan’s spending cuts affected which programs?School lunch programsMedicaidJob trainingAll answers are correct
  9. Question 93 PointsArthur Laffer predicted that:reducing interest rates would cripple the economystimulating consumer demand would increase tax revenuesby lowering tax rates, federal tax revenues would increasea flat tax would relieve the middle class
  10. Question 103 PointsWho said, “A recession is when your neighbor loses his job, and a depression is when you lose your job?”Ronald ReaganGerald FordTed KennedyJimmy Carter


Question 1:
Answer: opened America’s borders to the free flow of capital and goods

Question 2:
Answer: the United States would have the right to unilaterally and preemptively make war on any regime or terrorist organization that posed a threat to the United States or to U.S. citizens

Question 3:
Answer: Past sexual crimes of notable male celebrities

Question 4:
Answer: Mujahideen

Question 5:
Answer: allow weapons inspectors into Iraq

Question 6:
Answer: Gerald Ford

Question 7:
Answer: Jesse Jackson

Question 8:
Answer: All answers are correct

Question 9:
Answer: by lowering tax rates, federal tax revenues would increase

Question 10:
Answer: Ronald Reagan


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