Solved: marketing check template


SECTION: THE MARKETING PLAN:  Information gathered in Part 1 and the previous section serve as the basis for developing a marketing plan for your product/brand in a target market. How the problems and opportunities that surfaced in the preceding steps are overcome or exploited to produce maximum sales and profits are presented here.   This action plan reflects, in your judgment, the most effective means of marketing your product in your selected country market. Budgets, expected profits and losses, and additional resources necessary to implement the proposed plan are also presented.  
Distribution – Channels. Distribution patterns re: retail and specific retailers selectedType of retail storesScale of operation for each type (small/large)Identify any middlemen selected i.e. type and numberChannel management strategy  10  /10
Distribution – Logistics. Transportation modePacking i.e. marking, labelling, containerization etc.StorageDocumentation required  5  /5
Price Determination. Pricing strategyPricing tacticsPrice escalation elementsSuggested retail price (MSRP) of your product, adjusted for all escalation costs  10  /10
Pro Forma Financial Statements and Budgets. Pro forma annual profit and loss statement (3-year projection) for your venture including: Sales forecast years 1–3Profit forecast years 1–3Marketing budget requested. Consider the following in your calculation: Selling expenseAdvertising/promotion expenseDistribution expenseProduct costOther costs    10  /10
Sub-Total for Entire Report/35
  Grade Deductions: Up to 10% deduction for spelling and/or grammatical errors (depending on severity). Up to 10% deduction for not following formatting requirements i.e. your written report should be single-spaced using 12 pt. font and 1” margins. Tables/charts do not have to adhere to these restrictions. 10% per day deduction for each day late, up to 5 day maximum. Academic Honesty Offence: automatic zero grade and referral to Academic Honesty Committee.   

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