Solved: Metrics and measurements



1. Please look to see to which unit discussion group you’ve been assigned.  The discussion groups can be accessed by clicking the button at the left.

2. Next, review the readings in the “Reading Assignment” folder below.

3. Next, compose a thoughtful, analytical answer of at least 500 words for each one of the questions below; post them in your group’s appropriate BlackBoard discussion board thread in the unit discussion forum.

4. In addition to your original answer postings, please respond substantively at least twice per discussion period day to posts in the Discovery Question threads. 

5. Posts and responses will be graded according to the point values in the rubric in the Syllabus folder for discussion participation.

Discovery Questions – use all information resources at your disposal to answer the following questions:

Q1. How are effective key performance indicators (KPIs) or other metrics identified and selected within a healthcare organization? Alternatively,  what are the potential risks in quality and performance improvement if “bad” indicators are implemented? Be sure to provide examples of what constitutes a “bad” KPI and also focus on long-term sustainability and change.  Break your analysis into outcome, process, and balancing indicators and how each plays an integral role in organizational growth (500 words).

Q2. Analytics can be leveraged at various stages of a project, program or tactical initiative (e.g. definition stage, problem stage, evaluation, etc.). I see analytics broken out in four categories: descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive. Define these categories and explain how each can be important for an organization during various stages of a project, program, or tactical initiative. Be sure to give examples of each (500 words).   

Remember to provide support for the validity of your claims.  The goal is not simply to reproduce information from readings and/or life experiences,  but to produce information through your expert analysis that is meaningful to the discussion context.

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