Solved: Mid-term exam Virtue Ethics


Question 1: Gauthier describes what paradox?

  • Morality and advantage

Question 2: The principle of rational self-interest holds what?

  • If it is reasonable to do something, then it must be in my self-interest

Question 3: According to social contract theory, why do people agree to act morally?

  • To create peace

Question 4: Hobbes thinks that if nearly everyone follows the rules of morality, then what will follow?

  • Nearly everybody will flourish

Question 5: What novel brilliantly portrays the Hobbesian account of morality?

  • The Lord of the Flies

Question 6: What does Hobbes believe motivates us?

  • Perceived self-interest

Question 7: Which country did the author visit shortly after the collapse of communism?

  • Kyrgyzstan

Question 8: The paradox of hedonism seems to show what?

  • Psychological egoism is false

Question 9: According to Hobbes, life in the state of nature is what?

  • Nasty, brutish, and short

Question 10: What did Garrett Hardin plant?

  • An idea in the minds of men

Question 11: Who responds to Brian Medlin?

  • Joel Feinberg

Question 12: What reason do the authors claim companies donate to charity?

  • To improve their image

Question 13: What are the morally right actions according to the ethical egoist?

  • Those that maximize my own interests

Question 14: What does a psychological egoist believe?

  • We have to be selfish

Question 15: Whose actions, if culturally accepted, cannot be criticized under conventional ethical relativism?

  • Adolf Hitler

Question 16: Conventional ethical relativism rests on which two theses?

  • Diversity and dependency

Question 17: Who might be criticized under conventional ethical relativism, who we would normally praise?

  • Martin Luther King Jr.

Question 18: Who is mentioned as possibly feeling good about killing bulls?

  • Ernest Hemmingway

Question 19: What is the view that there are universal moral principles called?

  • Moral objectivism

Question 20: The principle that the application of moral principles depends on one’s culture is called what?

  • Dependency

Question 21: Who did Darius bring together?

  • Greeks and Callatians

Question 22: Who’s to judge what’s right and wrong?

  • Each member of each culture must judge for themselves

Question 23: What condition of the doctrine of double effect rules out torturing a terrorist to discover the location of a bomb?

  • 4

Question 24: What movie is mentioned as demonstrating ethical situationism?

  • The Bridge over the River Kwai

Question 25: A strong, more substantive principle of justice holds what?

  • We give people what they deserve

Question 26: Which view states that objective moral principles are to be applied differently in different contexts?

  • Ethical situationism

Question 27: Who first introduced the trolley problem?

  • Philippa Foot

Question 28: What is the “Golden Rule”?

  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

Question 29: Who is mentioned as a staunch act-utilitarian?

  • Nielsen

Question 30: Who rejected utilitarianism because it sometimes justifies lying?

  • Bernard Williams

Question 31: Which utilitarian suggests we have a duty to donate every penny above $30,000 we possess?

  • Peter Singer

Question 32: What is the problem the no-rest objection to utilitarianism notes?

  • It is too demanding

Question 33: Teleological ethics are sometimes called what?

  • Consequentialism

Question 34: Who argued that utilitarianism violates personal integrity?

  • Bernard Williams

Question 35: Which of these is a strength of utilitarianism?

  • It is simple

Question 36: What is the problem the comparative consequences objection to utilitarianism notes?

  • It is too hard to predict the long-term consequences of our actions

Question 37: Better to be Socrates dissatisfied than what?

  • A pig satisfied

Question 38: What instrumental values are mentioned in the Republic?

  • Medicine and knowledge

Question 39: Who affirms that pleasure is just better than pain?

  • The intrinsicalist

Question 40: What group of philosophers assert that all pleasure is good?

  • Hedonists

Question 41: Plato speaks of happiness as what?

  • Harmony of the soul

Question 42: Who stated that moral law shone like a jewel?

  • Kant

Question 43: How many hedons does Izzy have?

  • 100

Question 44: What aspect of morality refers to the fact it must not be kept secret?

  • Publicity

Question 45: Which two states have “Good Samaritan” laws in effect?

  • California and Vermont

Question 46: Your book claims that religion is founded on what?

  • Revelation

Question 47: What do we call an action that, morally, you must do?

  • Obligatory

Question 48: What do we call an action that, morally, you don’t have to do, but is admirable, is “above and beyond”?

  • Supererogatory

Question 49: What aspect of morality does “overridingness” refer to?

  • Moral principles take precedence over all other kinds of principles

Question 50: What kind of ethical view does Aristotle propose?

  • Virtue ethics


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