Solved: Migraine PowerPoint Presentation


Your presentation should include an overview of the health problem identified, an in-depth review of the associated anatomy and physiology, an overview of treatment methodologies, and information related to the needs of the patient and/or family related to the problem.

Topics to Cover for Migraine:

·       Introduction

·       Overview of migraine

·       Epidemiology & Incidence & Expected Course Outcomes (chronic, curable, life expectancy)

·       In-depth review of the associated anatomy and physiology

·       Risk Factors

·       Assessment Finding

·       Five Different Diagnosis

·       Diagnostic Studies

·       Disease Prevention Strategies

·       Overview of Treatment methodologies and Management (both nonpharmacological & pharmacological)

·       Consultation/Referral

·       Follow-up Plan

·       Patient and Family Education


  • Length: 10 slides (not including the cover and reference pages). For each section, thoroughly answer in detail with pertinent information.  Be sure to include speaker notes on each slide.
  • Format: PowerPoint: bullet points and pictures with Speaker Notes
  • Citations: At least six high-level scholarly references in APA from within the last 5 years

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