Solved: Module Code and Title: CMP9792M-Networks and Cloud Systems


This Assessment is an assignment. For this, you need to design and simulate an IoT networking application, Smart Hospital, through which digital devices are networked to meet eight scenarios as outlined below. You may need to refer to the module lectures, workshops, and/or do research to find the best-fitted solutions/approaches to build this simulation. Aims and objectives: For this assessment, you will be acting in the role of an IoT Networking Engineer, responsible for the design, development, and deployment of cloud networking resources for a company that has started to develop IoT services for a Smart hospital. The smart hospital’s devices are connected with each other and can be accessed through a central control point – mainly a desktop PC. Smart hospital can feature either wireless or hardwired systems, or both. In both cases they are internet connected through the default gateway and a networking device such as a router, switch, or a cable modem. The devices included in your simulation are going to be: router, switch, hospital gateway, the hospital desktop PC, three doctor’s smartphones, three nurse’s tablets, TV display, Printer, three camera, air conditioner, two automatic windows, one automatic door, three digital medical devices (e.g., blood oxygen, blood pleasure, and heartbeat sensors), patient’s SoS, siren, CO2 and CO detectors, temperature sensor, and three lights. You need to simulate the IoT network using Cisco Packet Tracer in line with the cloud networking requirements. In addition, you are required to write a report about your simulation. Your report should provide the network architecture design diagram, and describe how you manage the network/cloud resources to provide the users with bestfitted services on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). You also need to explain how you aim to manage the resources in the hospital and analyse/optimise network performance in terms of latency, security, load balancing, connectivity, and communication overhead. Your report be no more than 3000 words in length (excluding the table of contents and appendices). Simulation tasks (60%): Network components: These are the components, devices, and controllers you need to setup: 1. The components that need Fast Ethernet connections are: router, switch, the hospital gateway, and desktop PC. 2. The devices you need to connect wirelessly to the gateway are: smartphones, tablets, cameras, Printer, TV, air conditioner, Siren, SoS alarm, digital medical devices. 3. You will require microcontrollers (MCU boards) to connect: a. automatic windows, automatic door, CO2 and CO detector, temperature sensor, and light. Scenarios: There are 8 scenarios you need to implement: S1. Control the appliances (i.e., cameras, lights, air conditioner, printer, and automatic windows/door) can be managed and set on/off through the tablets, or the PC. S2. The TV displays the live stream reported by the three cameras. S3. Printer is remotely shared/connected to three tablets for printing documents. S4. The two windows are managed according to the CO/CO2 sensors reading (e.g., open windows if CO level increases). S5. The medical devices report their data to the desktop PC. The doctors’ smartphone should receive alarms/calls according to difference emergency levels (e.g., heartbeat drops or blood pressure highly increased). S6. The lights and doors are activated according to the motion reported by the cameras. S7. The air conditioner is managed using the temperature sensor. It should be set heating or cooling according to the temperature sensor readings. S8. The siren is activated if this is called by the patient’s SoS alarm. Report (40%): The report must have a title page with the student’s name & ID, a table of contents and page numbers. It must be written in proofread English in good style. Marks will also be awarded for the quality of writing and the presentation of the report. The report must present the network architecture design diagram and all the components of the work (brief description of each) and the connections between the devices. It should describe the general technical content of the model, and outline and describe the approaches/solutions used according to the given scenarios. The report should contain a conclusion, where you evaluate your work, reflecting on what you learnt from the assignment. A recommended report structure is shown below for your reference: • Cover Page {clear and concise- e.g., Assignment Technical Report, Module Code, Module Title, your name, and ID number.} • Contents Page {shows structure of report – section numbers, heading and page numbers.} • Introduction {very brief description of aims (general), objectives, and what is done to achieve the targets. (~500 words)} • Body of report {main part of the report, e.g., briefly describe the components used, connections between them and the scenarios modelled (~2000 words)} • Conclusions {condensed version of body; briefly gives key findings and personal reflection on what was achieved, evaluation of the work. (~500 words)} • References (Bibliography) {demonstration of your referencing skills.} Learning Outcomes Assessed: • LO1 Critically evaluate cloud networking as part of a cloud application infrastructure. • LO2 Design a cloud network solution for a given scenario with components of the solution deployed. • LO3 Define and critique external, internal, and geographical load balancing techniques. Knowledge & Skills Assessed: • Design and develop a cloud-based networking application. • Analyse the case study for a cloud-based system according to the given scenarios. • Identify suitable cloud networking technologies to improve the network performance. Assessment Submission Instructions: The deadline for submission of this work is included in the School Submission dates on Blackboard. You must make an electronic submission of your work inside a single ZIP file containing all of the below: • A Packet Tracer simulation Including all the devices listed above and connect them through home gateway wirelessly and through Fast Ethernet ports or microcontrollers where appropriate. Implement the 8 simulation tasks listed below. For this, a Packet Tracer (.pkt) file should be submitted. • Your project report document which provides and describes the network architecture diagram, the list of the IoT/cloud services used with a discussion on their purpose/output, and the proposed solutions/approaches to develop and optimise the IoT networking (i.e., ACLs, IP addressing, gateway/load balancer configurations, and/or VNETs). Date for Return of Feedback: The final deadline for submission of this work and feedback date is included in the School Submission dates on Blackboard. Format for Assessment: This assessment is individual work. Your work must be presented according to the Lincoln School of Computer Science guidelines for the presentation of assessed written work. Please make sure you have a clear understanding of the grading principles for this component as detailed in the accompanying Criterion Reference Grid. If you are unsure about any aspect of this assessment component, please seek the advice of a member of the delivery team. Feedback Format: Feedback will be provided on Blackboard with comments for each criterion in the supplied CRG grid. This will include feedback on the appropriateness of the cloud services selected and the functionality evidenced in the solution architecture, to meet the needs of the scenario. Additional Information for Completion of Assessment: You must only design and implement your IoT smart hospital solution by using the Packet Tracer Simulator. No other simulations can be used for this specific assessment. Assessment Support Information: Details of the lecture and workshop hours are detailed on your timetable. Important Information on Dishonesty, Plagiarism and AI Tools: University of Lincoln Regulations define plagiarism as ‘the passing off of another person’s thoughts, ideas, writings or images as one’s own…Examples of plagiarism include the unacknowledged use of another person’s material whether in original or summary form. Plagiarism also includes the copying of another student’s work’. Plagiarism is a serious offence and is treated by the University as a form of academic dishonesty. Please note, if you use AI tools in the production of assessment work where it is not permitted, then it will be classed as an academic offence and treated by the University as a form of academic dishonesty. Students are directed to the University Regulations for details of the procedures and penalties involved. For further information, see

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