Solved: Nebula cloud Hypothesis


For this project, you will be modeling the formation of the solar system.  There are three options for your project.

OPTION 1: Create an Adobe Express,  Canva, or hand-drawn poster/infographic.  You can access Adobe Express and Canva from Classlink.

OPTION 2: Create a digital or hand-drawn comic strip that represents solar system formation. (you may artistically interpret the images below to suit your comic strip theme)

OPTION 3: Create a video newscast of solar system formation (no more than 3 min)


Explain what the Nebular Hypothesis is.
The images represent various stages in the formation of the solar system. Place them in order in your presentation and describe and explain what is happening in each image/stage.
Use of the following vocabulary throughout the presentation: nebula, accretion disk, planetesimals/protoplanets, protostar, nuclear fusion. Please Bold each word when it is used.
Reflection Questions:
Where did all the gasses and dust originate?
How were the various elements and materials in the universe formed?
Why do planets orbit stars?
What are the different types of planets?

1.03 Solar System Formation Project (1)
1.03 Solar System Formation Project (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeImage Order
15 pts
Master Scientist
Student has images in correct order in the presentation from first to last
12 pts
Skilled Scientist
1-2 images are out of order
6 pts
Developing Scientist
3-4 images are out of order
0 pts
Novice Scientist
All images out of order or images not present
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Nebular Hypothesis
5 pts
Master Scientist
Student accurately describes the nebular hypothesis
2.5 pts
Developing Biologist
Student partially describes the nebular hypothesis
0 pts
Novice Scientist
Student does not describe the nebular hypothesis
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Stage Descriptions and Explanations
30 pts
Master Scientist
Student accurately and thoroughly explains what occurs at each stage in solar system formation
25 pts
Skilled Scientist
Student explains what occurs at each stage in solar system formation, but there may be minor errors, or omissions
15 pts
Developing Scientist
Student explains what occurs at each stage in solar system formation, but there are significant errors, or omissions
0 pts
Novice Scientist
Student does not attempt to explain formation stages
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Reflection Questions
20 pts
Master Scientist
Student answers all 4 reflection questions accurately
15 pts
Skilled Scientist
Student answers all 3 reflection questions accurately
10 pts
Developing Scientist
Student answers all 1-2 reflection questions accurately
0 pts
Novice Scientist
Student does not answer reflection questions accurately
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Scientific Vocabulary
20 pts
Master Scientist
Student accurately uses all required vocabulary terms
18 pts
Skilled Scientist
Student uses all required vocabulary terms, but there may be minor errors in accuracy or 1-2 vocabulary terms are missing
14 pts
Developing Scientist
Student uses some required vocabulary terms, but there may be significant errors in accuracy or 3-5 vocabulary terms are missing
0 pts
Novice Scientist
All vocabulary terms are missing or inaccurate
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization and Creativity
10 pts
Master Scientist
Students project is well organized, visually appealing, and had little to no spelling/grammatical errors
8 pts
Skilled Scientist
Students project is mostly organized and appealing, or may have some spelling/grammatical errors that takeaway from the project
5 pts
Developing Scientist
Students project is not well organized and/or visually appealing and/or several spelling/grammatical errors and this takes away from the project
0 pts
Novice Scientist
Project is not comprehendible
10 pts
Total Points: 100

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