Solved: Perfect World



“Perfect World” Grading Procedures Assignment

For this summative assignment, you are to design your “perfect world” grading plan for a month-long span of time in your classroom (current or future). Be sure to have read chapter 15 “Grading and Reporting Student Performance” prior to beginning this assignment. If you were given no constraints on grading, what would assessment look like in your classroom? 

Here is an outline you should follow (be sure to label each section in your submission):

  • Classroom Context
  • Provide a brief description. Include the following:
    • Content area/grade level
    • General description of your students; include ability levels; should include at least one student with a disability and CLD learner
  • Classroom Culture
  • What do you want your classroom culture to look like in terms of assessment? 
  • How will you work to build this culture in your students?
  • Activities/Assessments – Items to be included in the month-long grading period
  • There should be a minimum of 12 items (any number combination of activity or assessment)
  • Specify activities and assessments
    • Identify each activity/assessment – label each with a title and value (points/grade)
    • Include how you will grade each type (see chart on page 442); you may have some that are norm-referenced, some standards-based, and/or some that are individual student-referenced
    • Include how you will provide accommodations for your student with a disability as well as your CLD learner
  • Final Grading Scale (pretend you will be giving an end-of-term grade at the end of this month)
  • How much will each item be weighted (or not)?
  • Will the final “grade” be a letter/percentage/standard-based?
  • Reporting Progress
  • How will you report progress to students? How often?
  • How will you report progress to parents? How often?
  • Explain how you will deal with each of the following:
  • Cheating
  • Borderline cases (1 point away from an A, B, etc…)
  • Issue of zero
  • Extra credit
  • Cooperative learning/group work
  • Late assignments
  • Homework
  • Make-up Work
  • Wrap up with thoughts on changes you could make right now (regardless of circumstances) to make your classroom (or future classroom) a positive place where assessment is embraced simply as a tool for learning.

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