Solved: Practicum



This paper is piecing smaller papers together, filling empty spots, and placing the final results. 

The rubric is below. One of the documents uploaded is an example of how the paper should be laid 

out. The document is labeled example.  The information is provided in the other uploaded

 documents.  Those documents have feedback in red that needs adjusting. 


For this assignment, you will conclude your implemented evidence-based healthcare improvement project in a final written submission. The final

project paper should address all feedback, suggested revisions, additional research, and/or modifications, as recommended by the instructor and

preceptor for all previously submitted sections.

The final project paper should consist of the following sections, modeled after the SQUIRE framework for reporting new knowledge about how to

improve healthcare. Refer to the website and the assignment grading rubric for more guidance.

I. Title

a. Indicate that the manuscript concerns an initiative to improve healthcare (broadly defined to include the quality, safety, effectiveness, patient-centeredness, timeliness, cost, efficiency, and equity of healthcare)

II. Abstract

a. Provide adequate information to aid in searching and indexing (such as keywords)

b. Summarize all key information from various sections of the text using the abstract format of the intended publication

III. Introduction

a. Provide a 1 paragraph introduction to the paper

IV. Problem Description

V. Describe the nature and significance of the problem. Include any site-specific data that supports the significance of the problem

Summary of Available Knowledge

a. Summarize previous studies and best practices related to the problem

b. Use sources published within the last five years or seminal work or that may include the following:

i. Peer-reviewed, scholarly articles from nursing-specific journals

ii. Publications from nursing-specific professional organizations

iii. Publications from health-related government (for example: Healthy People, AHRQ), civic, or community organizations

c. Explain the search strategies you used (1 brief paragraph on method, key word searches, databases, date range, and

description of sources/organizations).

d. Summarize key findings from the literature search. Explain the significance of these key findings.

VI. Rationale

a. Informal or formal frameworks, models, concepts, and/or theories used to explain the problem

b. Any reasons or assumptions that were used to develop the intervention(s)

c. Reasons why the intervention(s) is expected to work

VII. Specific Aims

a. Description of the intervention

b. Purpose of the project

VIII. Specific Project Timeline

          a. Detailed outline of project timeline

IX. Context. (Approximately ½-1 page)

       a. Describe the setting where the project occurred.

• What is the physical makeup of the setting?

• Who are the stakeholders-not just the target population?

• What else (social, political, sociocultural, etc., ) is going on in the environment that will impact the project? Anticipate barriers.

• Note: These factors, in addition to impacting the project affect the limitations as well as the generalizability of the intervention to other settings and populations which will be addressed in the conclusion and recommendations of the final project paper.

X. Ethical Considerations (Approximately ½ page)

a. Consider the potential for harm, burden, and cost to the stakeholders including invasion of privacy, staff distress, etc.

b. Consider what if any institutional approval/review is needed. Verify that the project does not require IRB review.

XI. Intervention(s) (Approximately 2 pages)

a. What actually happened-what were the steps of the intervention (first, second, etc.) and what was the actual timeline?

b. What resources were used? (before and during)? (Resources include training, instrument, staffing, materials, etc.)

c. Who was involved or impacted before, during, and after each step?

XII. Evaluation (Process and outcome measures) (Approximately 2-3 pages)

a. Discuss measures chosen for studying processes and outcomes of the intervention(s), including:

i. Rationale for choosing them,

ii. The operational definitions,

iii. The validity and reliability

b. How were the evaluation metric collected? (Survey, observation, self-report, etc.)

c. Who collected the evaluation metric?

d. How was the data analyzed?

e. Discuss qualitative and quantitative methods used to draw inferences from the data.

XIII. Results

a. Details of the process measures and outcome measures. How data were collected. How were data analyzed? Details about any

missing data

b. Analyze and discuss data. Present the data (tables, graphs, etc.) in an appendix.

c. Explain any unanticipated internal or external factors that may have impacted the data (observed associations between

outcomes, interventions, and relevant contextual elements).

d. Unintended consequences such as unexpected benefits, problems, failures, or costs associated with the intervention(s).

XIV. Key Findings

a. Key findings, including relevance to the rationale and specific aims

b. Particular strengths of the project

XV. Interpretation/Synthesis

a. Nature of the association between the intervention(s) and the outcomes

b. Comparison of results with findings from other evidence in the literature

XVI. Limitations

a. Limits to the generalizability of the work

b. Factors that might have limited internal validity such as confounding, bias, or imprecision in the design, methods, measurement, or analysis (such as sample size, validity of the instrument, experience of researcher, time, type of population, etc.)

XVII. Summary & Recommendations

a. Sustainability

b. Usefulness of the work – Potential for spread to other contexts, applicability on other persons or systems

c. Recommendations for practice and for further study

XVIII. Project Reflection

Evaluate and reflect on the entire project and process. Use the prompts as a guide.

a. What were some of the key takeaways? What did you learn?

b. What was difficult?

c. Discuss how the knowledge you gained from this assignment impacts your practice.

References Pages

Update references as appropriate.


Include any materials created for the project as appendices.

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