Solved: Professional Personal Website Assignment


Step One- Consider this:

Like the Layout Analysis, this assignment seeks to measure student knowledge and application of technical design principles, only this time you will be creating one instead of evaluating one.

From the time a user enters the website, until the time he/she leaves, website design leaves a great impression on the user’s mind. Design tells us ‘how’ and ‘why’ to use the site.

Web designing consists of some key elements as such:

  • Website Layout – The way in which graphics, text and advertisements are arranged over the web page is called layout. The purpose is to provide information at a glance by maintaining integrity, balance and consistency all over.
  • Color– The color across the web page depends upon the organization and client for whom the website is being prepared. It may range from simple to classy, from black and white to multi colored design.
  • Graphics – The arrangement of images, clipart and icons, logos to enhance the creativity are called graphics. These are needed to be placed appropriately to increase user-friendliness, in line with the color and content of the website and keeping the load time minimal.
  • Fonts – Proper use of fonts and styles must be done which are of readable size and attract user attention.
  • Content – Usage of relevant content which may together with graphics can enhance the overall appeal of website, must be done. The text of website must always be useful and illustrative so that users may understand the underlying objective of the website. It must be keyword rich and search engine friendly to get higher franking in search results.

Some of the fundamental factors to be considered while designing a website are to:

  • know about your target audience (potential employers)
  • identify the purpose and objective of your website (showcase your abilities and why you would be an asset to their company/organization)
  • make generous use of white space
    • help users give a break and helps in readability
    • be in sync with the font size, the color, and the content to be displayed.
  • be easily navigable and accessible
  • integrate with social media, which is more or less like word-of-mouth advertising

Step Two: Visit and read this site:

Assignment Specifics:

You will create a professional personal website to market your skills and experience.

Visit a website creator, such as Weebly, and create a website that adheres to the design principles from our textbook (and at the top of the page) and avoids errors such as the ones you found as you were composing your layout analysis.

  • Your website should include (at least):
    • A homepage
    • An “About Me” page
    • A resume page (where you include a copy of your physical resume)
    • At least three pages of “other content”
      • Examples of work you’ve completed during your education, skills, experience, projects, internships, etc.

A “Contact Me” page

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