Solved: Professionalism Discussion


The objective of this journal assignment is to prompt your reflection on various expectations placed on a nurse and to consider how you envision meeting those expectations in your own career. After completing your clinical or simulation day, you’ll need to reflect on your experience and answer one of the following discussion prompts below, your instructor may assign them or they may let you choose your desired prompt.

Discussion Prompt that I chose

Professionalism encompasses qualities like accountability, collaboration, integrity, ethical conduct, and the preservation of a professional identity. A nurse’s professional identity may embody values such as compassion, courage, altruism, advocacy, and a commitment to fostering social justice. Reflecting on your clinical or simulation day, how was professionalism and professional identity demonstrated by the nurses you were around? Do you feel there was a lack of professionalism or professional identity among the nursing staff? What would you do to improve the culture of professionalism? What qualities do you feel nurses should incorporate into their own professional identity? How will you develop your own professional identity?

It has to be related to mental health please ??

And the facility I do my clinical rotation at is called Brookdale Memory Care and I work with dementia and Alzheimer’s patients. So you can include that in somewhere please

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