Solved: Project: Hotel Operations Research Project


Objective of Project: Students working in pairs will have an opportunity to analyze a
specific case study as provided by your professor. Students must select one
accommodation (hotel, motel, resort, convention centre, etc…) catering to the specific
MNEs and Target Market as described in the randomly provided case study.
Students must present their findings in a fully informative Slidedoc, as posted by your
professor on MyCanvas.
A Slidedoc is a document that combines visuals and text in a succinct and meaningful
way, so the key messages are easily understood without the need of a presenter. Slidedocs
are standalone documents created with PowerPoint, instead of Word.
Value of Project: 50 points, 25% of your final grade
Your slidedoc report should include the following:
 A maximum of 20 slides – not including title or reference slides
 Appropriate headings and visuals highlighting the following:
o History/Background information of the destination and hotel brand
o Services, Accommodation categories, and near-by Attraction options
o Estimated costs
o Main selling & service features of the hotel catering to the Target Market
o Main selling & service features of the hotel catering to the MNEs
o What makes this accommodation provider unique
 Make sure you include an introduction and conclusion.
 Title slide, Table of Contents slide/Agenda, References slide, including correct
APA in-text citations
Review provided rubric for grading criteria

Case Study #1: Pair 5
Target Market: Technology
Johnny and Bobby are attending “Computer Con” in Silicon Valley, in California, USA.
They would prefer a cheaper hotel accommodation where they will have more money to
spend on gadgets and additional technological activities. Both are university students and
would like to stay at a hotel that features modern technology on a budget. What can you
recommend and why?
Case Study #2: Trio
Target Market: Millennials
Christine and Veronica are two successful, young businesswomen. They are launching
their new social media company to large corporations in New York, New York, USA.
They want to be surrounded by the nightlife and fancy accommodations which will cater
to their entrepreneurial needs. Location is key along with their safety. What can you
recommend and why?
Case Study #3: Pair 11
Target Market: Sports
Alex and Mark are middle-aged fathers and would like to celebrate their 50th birthdays in
2026 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada for the FIFA World Cup games. They are financially
stable and have some mobility issues. They would like to be near the sports action, but
also want to explore other sporting venues while in the city. What can you recommend
and why?
Case Study #4: Pair 6
Target Market: Food Lovers
Annette and Veronica are professional chefs. They would like to travel to Rome, Italy to
discover new methods and ingredients to enhance their professions. They would like an
immersive learning experience while tasting the fantastic cuisine of Italy. A hotel close to
restaurants and markets would be ideal. What can you recommend and why?
Alvin Hernandez, TOUR 10005 – 2024
Case Study #5: Pair 10
Target Market: Couples
Andrew is looking to propose to his girlfriend, Jill. They have traveled all over the world
and want to settle down and start their lives together. However, Andrew and Jill have
never travelled to Jamaica. They have thought of Negril or Montego Bay, Jamaica. Since
Andrew is wanting to propose marriage, he would like the trip to be romantic. They both
want a hotel that is completely romantic with no children. What can you recommend and
Case Study #6: Pair 12
Target Market: Families
John and Judy have three children, aged 4, 5, 6. They have always wanted to travel to
Orlando, Florida, USA. John and Judy would like a hotel near all attractions or a hotel
that would require them NOT to drive with three young children. What can you
recommend and why?
Case Study #7: Pair 2
Target Market: Ski Enthusiasts
Peter is an avid solo traveller. He is a winter sports enthusiast and would like to travel
and engage in winter activities in Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada. Since he is
travelling alone, he would like accommodations that cater to single travellers and does
not want to pay for accommodation which have a surcharge (single supplement). What
can you recommend and why?
Case Study #8: Pair 4
Target Market: Business
Juliane is a busy business executive conducting business in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
She has no time or patience to travel to her local clients and will require a business hotel
which can serve as her office while away on business. She also requires the hotel to have
all the business amenities in her room which will enable her to hold meetings. Required
amenities must include a full business experience such as a large mirror in her room and
full room service. What can you recommend and why?
Case Study #9: Pair 3
Target Market: Beach Lovers
Tammy and Sammy are beach lovers and have traveled to many beaches but have yet to
travel to Australia’s famous beaches. They are not the best with maps and do not know
where the best beaches are. All they know is that beaches in Australia are popular. They
will be flying into Perth, Australia and do not know where to book their hotel because
they don’t know where the best beach is. What can you recommend and why?
Case Study #10: Pair 8
Target Market: Pet Owners
Gary and his dog Buddy are moving to Calgary, Alberta, Canada from Mississauga,
Ontario, Canada. They will be driving. However, Gary is not aware of hotels which allow
Alvin Hernandez, TOUR 10005 – 2024
dogs. It is important he finds a hotel which allows dogs to temporarily stay while his
move is complete. The hotel must have sufficient green space that will accommodate the
needs of his dog. Nearby parks would also be a benefit. What can you recommend and
Case Study #11: Pair 16
Target Market: Seniors
Betty and Cindy are widows and would like to return to their favourite US state of
Florida. They have heard it is peaceful and relaxing but have only been to Orlando,
Florida, USA when their children were younger. They would like to stay in St.
Petersburg, Florida, USA to spend the cold Canadian winters over there (6 months). They
want a hotel that has cleaning/maid service, attractions and activities within walking
distance, and affordable rates. The hotel must have amenities which will assist senior
living and their particular needs. What can you recommend and why?
Case Study #12: Pair 15
Target Market: Music Lovers
Carrie and Blake are music lovers. They have been to many music cities and would like
to visit Detroit, Michigan, USA and experience the music scene there. However, they are
afraid to go as they have been informed of high violence and crime in the area. They
would love to be in the city centre in the heart of the action, but are afraid for their safety
and security. What can you recommend and why?
Case Study #13: Pair 9
Target Market: Movie Lovers
Ann Marie loves movies! She is single woman and wants to experience Hollywood,
California, USA. However, she is on a budget and traveling alone. Since she will be
alone, the location must be easily accessible. But she has found the hotels to be
expensive. This would mean she would have to stay at a hotel that is a far distance from
Hollywood. What can you recommend and why?
Case Study #14: Pair 1
Target Market: Water Park
Vincent loves all-inclusive travel. However, since becoming a single father, he has not
been able to enjoy vacations as he once did. His daughter, Laura is now 10 years old and
enjoy swimming and has dreams of sliding on water slides all-day long. Vincent on the
other hand wants an all-inclusive hotel in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic where he can
relax. What can you recommend and why?
Case Study #15: Pair 13
Target Market: Casino
Maria is an event planner. This year her clients, an entertainment company consisting of
500 employees, will be holding their annual conference and have chosen the exciting city
of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Maria is familiar with casino-themed hotels, but is not
familiar with conference hotels which will accommodate a one week, 500 people
conference. What can you recommend and why?
Alvin Hernandez, TOUR 10005 – 2024
Case Study #16: Pair 7
Target Market: Nature Lovers
Kevin will be visiting Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada to explore the beauty of the
Canadian west coast and all it has to offer. Kevin has always loved the mountains and the
Pacific Ocean. While there he would like to participate in a whale watching excursion,
but is not sure if he is able to do that from Vancouver. It is important Kevin stays in a
hotel that is nearby or can offer this option without leaving Vancouver as costs will
become an issue. He also will not be renting a car, so the hotel location is important.
What can you recommend and why?
Case Study #17: Pair 14
Target Market: Art Lovers
Victoria and Richard are art collectors. They would like to explore European cities which
have free street art installations, and a fine history of art. In the summer, they would like
to visit the magical city of Barcelona, Spain. They have heard wonderful stories about
Barcelona and would like to engage in activities which will enable them to immerse
themselves in art. They would like a modern, artistic hotel with a fine history and
tradition. What can you recommend and why?

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