Solved: Project II Team Project: Macroeconomic Data Analysis, Macroeconomic Instability, and Policy Measures


This assignment is prepared to check your understanding of economic growth and disparities between
countries’ levels of development based on empirical evidence. You are expected to extract the data
for this purpose of analysis from relevant credible sources. Originality and clarity in your work are
highly valued. This work accounts for 20% of your total grading of the course.
Long-run Economic Growth
Extract the data for GDP per capita of all sovereign countries for selected years of 1960, 1990 and
2023 from global databases (like the IMF or World Bank) and perform a convergence data analysis
based on the following questions. You can use any data analysis programming language that you
are convenient with for this term paper. You can also use the programing language which we used in
the class, Gretl, accessible for free download at .
Note: Major economic events like periods of economic/financial crisis, pandemic, globalisation,
industrialization, policy shift, reforms, tech revolution, etc. during the years 1960 to 2022 can be used
as a benchmark for your convergence analysis.
In this work, focus on the following key contents:

  1. Introduction
    ● Discuss Long-Run Economic Growth
    ● Will the poor countries catch up to rich countries by growing faster?
  2. Background
    ● Provide a summary statistics table for all countries for the years from 1960 to 2023.
    ● Select 10 sample countries from the data (5 poor and 5 rich) and explain what important key
    historic or economic issues have happened during the years under consideration and how is
    this reflected in their per capita GDP, inflation, unemployment rate and the policy measures in
    these countries during this time? Note, the major economic shocks to consider during this
    time could be financial crisis, pandemic, war, political instability, hyperinflation, etc.
  3. Data Analysis
    ● Using data of GDP per capita provided in the dataset, plot histograms of GDP for all the years
    between 1960 and 2023 and describe how the distribution of income evolves. If there are any
    outliers, omit them. In a case where you encounter any outlier, then provide economic intuition for
    evaluating these countries as outliers.
    ● Calculate the Growth rate of GDP per capita for each of the countries in the years under
    consideration. Show boxplots of incomes for all the countries in each year. What happened? Is
    there any evidence for convergence? Discuss the notions of conditional and unconditional
    convergence in this regard (Hint.: Use logs instead of levels).
    ● Split the data into two groups of poor and rich. The split should be done according to the median
    income in 1990. Then show boxplots of incomes for both groups in each year. What happened? Is
    there any evidence for convergence? (Hint.: Use logs instead of levels. Start with splitting the
    sample: poor in 1960, 1990 and 2023, then the same for the rich. Plot boxplots for each).
  4. Extract the GDP, employment rate, investment, education, political stability or other socio-political,
    institutional and economic factors for all the economies. Run the regression analysis both for the
    conditional and unconditional convergence for a sample of developed countries and developed
    countries, each separately and an aggregate analysis for the global economy. The selection for the
    development level categories can follow regional divisions or international organization membership,
    etc…. (For e.g. OECD, Western Economies, OPEC, BRICS, etc) . Plot the respective convergence
    analysis scatter plots depicting the convergence behaviour. (Use the average per capita GDP growth
    between 1990 and 2023 as a dependent variable and GDP growth rate in 1960 as the independent
    variable for the unconditional regression analysis. For the conditional convergence, use additional
    explanatory variables in addition to the GDP growth rate in 1960 ).
    a) Unconditional convergence: (e.g. for the years between 1960 – 2000)
    ΔGDP2000-1980 =α + βΔGDP1960
    lnGDP2000-1980 =α + βlnGDP1960
    b) Conditional convergence (e.g. for the years between 1960 – 2000)
    ΔGDP2000-1980 =α + βΔGDP1960 +γX1960
    where X1960
    is a set of country-specific controls (education, fiscal and monetary policy, competition
    level, etc.) – we compare countries with similar starting characteristics
  5. Discussion and Implications
    Explain the structure of the data provided and how it characterizes the countries under consideration
    over the years that are taken into account. Using your own words, explain why you believe that the
    poor countries in the data can (cannot) catch up with the rich countries? Your argument should be
    based on the convergence analysis you made from the data. You can support your argument by citing
    relevant works that are in line with your analysis.
  6. Conclusion
    In summing up your analysis; provide a summary of the main points in your paper in connection with
    the macroeconomic theories covered in the class.
    Based on the evidence observed in part one of this project, assess the monetary and fiscal policies of
    selected countries by focusing on the major economic shocks.
    In this work, focus on the following key points.
  7. Fiscal and Monetary policy: Discuss how fiscal and monetary policy can be used in
    combination for macroeconomic stability
  8. Stabilization Policies: Based on your macroeconomic data analysis and results under Part
    one, look into major policy measures that contributed to the economic performance of the
    countries under consideration. Here focus on two different regions (group of countries) based
    on the data specification you had for those countries with the same (converging) living
    standards(e.g. OECD member countries and non-member countries, or Developed and
    Developing countries, or Oil-producing and non-Oil-producing countries, etc. ).
  9. Economic Shock and Policy measures: From the categories under question number 2, select
    one sample country from each category. For these two countries, for the years between 1960
    to 2023, consider an economic shock that had a significant effect and provide an extensive
    discussion about the economic shock. The coverage of the issue can range from the effect of
    the economic shock on the local economic units (businesses and household) and further on the
    regional or global economy (e.g. the 2008–2009 Financial crisis). Once you identify the
    economic shocks, discuss the monetary and fiscal policy measures that the government took
    to stabilize the economy from the aforementioned economic shocks. NB: You will be
    observing differences in the policy measures depending on the issue and countries under
    consideration. Here, see for example the changes to government spending and revenue, public
    debt, money supply, interest rate, etc. Here, your analysis should consider the following key
    points for each of the countries under consideration.
    a. Identify the Issue (the economic shock)
    b. Point out the social-economic and political consequences of the economic shock.
    c. Use aggregate supply-and-demand analysis to look into the macroeconomic
    equilibrium, out-put gap, etc following the shock.
    d. Explain the policy measures in place.
    e. Outcome: Discus how effective the policy measure has been in stabilizing the
    economy from this economic shock. Was the policy measure in place effective? If the
    policy measures were not successful, what policy measures could have done better to
    address this issue.
  10. Sustainable Development: According to the UN estimate of the World Economic Situation
    and Prospects 2023, global GDP growth in 2019 has been as low as 2.3%, the lowest after the
    financial crises. Given an increasing income disparity, international trade disputes and policy
    uncertainties, increasing global warming, what measures should countries take to attain a
    sustainable economic development that takes the future generation into account?
    NB: Please, provide a proper citation of any resource used in this work. Use APA Standard for the
    format of your final submission

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