solved: Project management lab work


MS Project Lab #1: Using the protocol that I have defined (in my WBS_Jan_prefers.mpp file)
For additional Step-by-Step help, start about 9 minutes into this video that was built for another class is at

[To Start A New Project in MS Project ]

  1. File
    1. New -> select 1st ‘blank’ template
    1. [File>] Options
      1. Schedule
        1. ‘New Tasks created’ – Click pull down for Auto Scheduled
        1. ‘New tasks are Effort-Driven’ – Click check-box
      1. OK
    1. [File>] Info
      1. Project Information  (see in far right of screen)
        1. Advanced Properties
          1. Key in your Title (course number-section_year), Author, Subject (Lab#1)
        1. OK
  2. Format
    1. Check box Outline Number
    1. Check box Project Summary Task
  3. Project
    1. Project Information
      1. Key your start date as the first of next month

(1) The following tasks’ verbiage needs to be altered (ex: starting with Active Verbs). 
       And then enter additional ‘completed’ milestone tasks using the protocol in my WBS_Jan_prefers.mpp file.

  • Initiating
  • Kickoff meeting
  • Develop project charter
  • Charter signed
  • Planning
  • Develop project plans
  • Review project plans
  • Approve project plans
  • Executing
  • Analysis
  • Design
  • Implementation
  • System implemented
  • Monitoring and Controlling
  • Report performance
  • Control changes
  • Closing
  • Prepare final project report
  • Present final project
  • Project completed

 (2) Show outline numbers.     
      HINT: Look within the “Format” tab


1) Durations need to be added for all tasks, some of which have their durations listed below:

  • 2h           – Kickoff meeting
  • 10d         – Develop project charter
  • 1h           – Charter signed
  • 3w          – Develop project plans
  • 4mo       – Review project plans
  • 1h           – Approve project plans
  • 1mo       – Analysis
  • 2 mo      – Design
  • 2w          – Implement
  • 0              – System implemented
  • 5mo       – Report performance
  • 5mo       – Control changes
  • 2w          – Prepare final project report
  • 1w          – Present final project

2) Create FS dependencies between all tasks but ‘Report Performance’ is a SS dependency with ‘Control changes’.
    HINT: Click the heading of ‘Task’ column -> Click the ‘chain link’ icon that says “Link the Selected Tasks”

* The “Design” task                                         needs a “-10%” lag time for its predecessor “Analysis”
* The “Implementation” task                     needs a “-8d”    lag time for its predecessor “Design”
* The “System Implemented” task          needs a “5d”      lag time for its predecessor “Implementation”.

3) Show the critical path.     HINT: Look within the “Format” tab

4) Make ‘Executing’ and ‘Controlling’ a SS (Start-to-Start) dependency

5) “Report Performance” task needs to be a recurring weekly task meeting on Fridays for 1 day
                                              ending on the same date ‘Completed Execution’ task’s ends.
      HINT: You must delete this task and then add it above ‘Control Changes’ task
                  à click the ‘Task’ tab > ‘Task’ > ‘Recurring task’
                   à Fill in appropriate information
                   à Create a “FF” relationship between ‘Report Performance’ & ‘Control Changes’

6) Be sure all tasks are linked with a predecessor and a successor … with the exception of the last task.

7) Finally move the ‘Predecessor’ column before ‘Start’ column.

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