Solved: PSYC 1101: Assignment 5


Worth: 10%

Due: Before the start of class Week 14 (late submissions will be penalized 10% per day late)

READ CAREFULLY: You may do this assignment EITHER online as a written assignment OR in class as a discussion assignment on Week 14. If you’re coming to class on April 15, you DO NOT need to submit a written assignment – we’ll discuss some of these things as a group during class.

Written Assignment Option – Please answer BOTH of the following questions. This is to be IN YOUR OWN WORDS – No AI or external sources permitted.

  1. Yesterday, we all experienced a once in a lifetime experience with a total solar eclipse in our region. Please recount your memory of what you experienced yesterday, in detail. If you were able to view the eclipse, describe what your expectations were before the event, where you went to view it, and who you were with. Try to record how you felt during the event, and how others around you reacted. What things did you notice, from a psychological/social psychological perspective? In the end, did the event itself live up to your prior expectation? If you were unable to get out and experience the eclipse, discuss your feelings about missing out on something that was such a huge social happening.
  • Go back and look through the TLP, taking note of every topic we covered this term. Then create a list where you rank order course topics from most to least interesting. Explain why you found the number one topic most interesting, and why you thought the lowest ranked topic was the least interesting.
  • Once you’ve completed parts 1 and 2, please take a moment to complete the course evaluation for this class. Thanks!

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