Solved: Quantitative Methods for Finance and Risk Management


Assessment Task:   You are required to choose a publicly traded company and estimate the intrinsic value of its ordinary shares using DDM. You should   Provide rationales for your choice of company and your choice of DDM Brief description of the chosen company’s profileThe suitability of DDM for the chosen companyJustify your decision on the number of stages of dividend growth   Present details of determining dividend growth rate(s) Method of estimating dividend growth rate(s)Workings of deriving dividend growth rate(s)   Estimate the required rate of return using CAPM model based on OLS method Prepare data (minimum requirement: monthly data over the last three years)Specify and estimate the model (i.e., perform the regression estimation)Discuss the estimation results   Calculate the intrinsic value   Make discussions and conclusion Summarize estimation resultsCritique DDM and CAPM     Word count   Your report should be 3,000 words (+/- 10%) and the word count, excluding the list of references, should be shown at the end.   Submission   You will need to submit your data and data estimation results in an Excel file and your report in a Word document.     Format and Presentation Font, Font Size and Spacing The recommended font is Times New Roman and the recommended font-size is 12. Choose 1.5 line spacing. Tables, Figures and Equations Tables and figures shall be numbered consecutively throughout the assignment. For example, Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2 etc. Equations should be numbered and numbers should be in round brackets at the right hand side of the page and be ordered consecutively throughout the assignment.List of References Harvard referencing system is required.    
Learning Outcomes to be assessed (as specified in the validated module descriptor ):    
Grading Criteria:   Rationale for the choice of company and the choice of DDM (20%)Determination of dividend growth rate(s) (20%)Estimation of required rate of return using OLS method and interpretation of estimation results (25%)Calculation of the intrinsic value (5%)Discussion and conclusion (20%)Presentation and communication (10%)  
Feedback/feed-forward (linked to assessment criteria): Areas where you have done well:             Feedback from this assessment to help you to improve future assessments:             Other comments          
Mark:  Marker’s Signature:    Date:
     Work on this module has been marked, double marked/moderated in       line with USW procedures.    
Provisional mark only: subject to change and/or confirmation by the Assessment Board

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