Solved: Quiz 1


Question 1: Which communication theory describes the stress a person feels when confronted with a perception of the world that conflicts with their understanding of reality?

  • Answer: Cognitive dissonance

Question 2: What term describes we evaluate ourselves and the value we place on that evaluation?

  • Answer: Self-esteem

Question 3: What aspect of the Johari window are ideas we freely share with others?

  • Answer: Open area

Question 4: What stage of perception is focused on the five senses?

  • Answer: Stimulation

Question 5: What type of culture values collaboration and cooperation?

  • Answer: Collectivist

Question 6: The way we categorize people based on physical features such as skin color, hair texture, or eye shape that is shared by a group of people is called _________________.

  • Answer: Race

Question 7: According to Carl Jung, which part of ourselves is relegated to the unconscious mind?

  • Answer: Shadow

Question 8: What is a system of learned and shared symbols, language, values and norms?

  • Answer: Culture

Question 9: What type of cultures value autonomy and privacy?

  • Answer: Individualistic

Question 10: What theory describes when we evaluate ourselves in comparison to others, and those judgments influence our self-concept?

  • Answer: Social comparison

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