Solved: Responsible and Ethical Business Practice



Just answer the questions asked one by one and don’t talk about unrelated information and your essay will be good.

First Section:

Introduction of your company (with thorough research and data presented) Very brief introduction, one paragragh.

Definitions with explanation of the following terms (TBL, Carroll pyramid, responsibility, sustainability, SDGs – if applicable to your company)

What’s Your company’s stance on ethical business (mission statement, ethical statements mainly information found from company documents)

Discussion on why your company needs to be ethical/unethical – what is their interest here.  Why should your chosen company be ethical? Why is it important? Give supported evidence.

Second section

Evaluate the ethical/social/environmental impact of your company’s scandal and explain their actions using virtues ethics/deontological ethics /theological ethics (“the actions of your company can be explained through the lens of the various ethics theories”)

Give recommendations (using research) how your company can become more ethical

What role should the company fulfill in society as a contribution and what is the basis for them to do so?

Remember 25% of your grade will go for proof of research, so make sure you read enough to be able to write on a high level about these questions – the more you read the better your writing is going to be 😊 We’d like to see in-text references everywhere where you use someone else’s ideas and a reference list of AT LEAST 25-30 academic references. The bigger the reference list the better BUT MUST be academic appropriate references

Spend time to read up on your own about these Ethics theories (ethical egoism/virtues ethics/ Kantian theory /deontological theory/teleological ethics theory, Social Justice Theory, utilitarianism/ liberalism) so that you can better apply them correctly.  (using the materials you were emailed. Check email on READING MATERIALS ON ETHICS on MOODLE)


Again, I’d like to emphasize 25% of your mark will go for research, so do your best and read as much as you can. Reference EVERYTHING  with in-text citations and demonstrate the extent of your research.

Identify what is stakeholder theory, who are the stakeholders in your company and evaluate the role of these stakeholders in your company’s business strategy.  Can you identify what type of power the stakeholders have? How are the stakeholders influencing the company to be more ethical?

What does the organisation expect from its stakeholders in its current responsible and ethical approach?  

To what extent is the organisation innovative relative to sustainability within its organisational context? You might include examples of past Innovation attempts by other organizations to become more ethical and sustainable (including those who have failed). It is advised here to compare the company with one of its competitors.

What steps might your organisation take in relation to various stakeholders to become a more sustainable and responsible business

– recommendations. List at least two recommendations with analysis of their Advantages and Disadvantages and critically analyse why they are the best solutions for the company. Explain clearly.


Summary of your essay, key points of your arguments and your conclusion on the topic.

Reference List

30 -60 References in your list according to APA7 format and using a variety of academic sources (Books, Journals, Websites, News reports, Lecture notes, etc)

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