Solved: safe staffing in healthcare


In this assignment you, create a 4-slide presentation on safe staffing in healthcare. Be sure to address the following in you presentation;

•         Brief description of the policy challenges the team has chosen and the nursing association that was identified.

•         Describe the “Agenda” for the identified policy challenge. Include how the policy issue was identified, (Did the organization complete a review of the literature, an environmental scan and/or a SWOT analysis, etc.?)

·       Brief description of key stakeholders (those who will be affected and those who can effect change), ie, interest groups, opposition groups/individuals or coalitions.

•         List the different strategies that the organization plans to or has already used to inform/lobby legislators, ie, e-mail campaign, in-person visit, testimony, protest, etc.

•         List and describe any non-legislative strategies that were used or plan to be used to support the initiative.

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