Solved: Sexual Morality



Guidelines for Group Projects

Topic: Sexual morality (including marriage and the family

The presentation will involve a slide show of approximately 20-30 minutes length, with each member of the group narrating a portion, as determined by the group.

(Powerpoint or Google Slides recommended format)

Answering Moral Questions Process

Presentations should reflect the stages outlined in the pdf., “Answering Moral Questions,” which is required reading.

The outline will involve all of the following stages in schematic form.

  • The group’s central moral question.
  • Relevant factual information needed to answer the question
  • Ways the question can be answered (usually pro/contra on an issue)
  • Arguments in support of each answer. There can be multiple arguments in favor or against some answer to your moral question. You don’t have to mention them all, but you should use more than one.
  • Objections, or counter-arguments, to the arguments given in Stage 4 on both sides of the issue.

 For example, if you are presenting on the topic of Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide, stage one will involve such items as defining types of euthanasia and PAS, the legal status of the practice, the regulations of the professional community, and perhaps public attitudes, etc. Stage two will involve formulating a specific moral question, such as, “Is physician assisted suicide morally permissible in the case of terminally ill patients in extreme pain with only days or weeks to live.” Stage three would then involve researching answers to the question on both sides of the issue, while stage 4 requires identifying important arguments for and against each answer. The fifth stage involves identifying and evaluating important objections (counterarguments) to each argument. Finally, the team may draw a final conclusion if there is a consensus. Otherwise, the presentation may end with Stage 5.

While each student will be responsible for a portion of the slide show, the group leader will be responsible for coordinating the team effort so that the presentation is unified and coherent. (For this assignment, make-up four names and assign roles for each)

Projects will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Clarity of presentation of the issues, ideas, and arguments
  • Effectiveness of the slide show in visually conveying the team’s intention
  • Thoroughness with which the questions are answered
  • Overall knowledge of the controversy and its issues

Contribution Contracts

Contribution Contracts are a summary of the responsibilities of each team member required of his/her role in the project. A description of these responsibilities next to the name of the team member, as well as that team member’s signature must be included in each contract. These contracts are to be typed, signed (electronically).

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