Solved: Skin ulcers


Guidelines and Grading Criteria for Change Process Paper

You are a Nurse Manager of a healthcare facility. Identify a problem or process that needs to be changed.

Each section must be under a separate heading. The paper must have an introduction and summaryPossible PointsEarned Points
Driving Forces Identify the need for the change or enhancement, including driving forces such as: a) Regulatory agencies b) Benchmarking ( c) Patient satisfaction (Press Ganey or  HCAHPS) d) Joint Commission standards e.g. safety issues *Select at least two or three driving forces20 
Management Theory or Leadership Style Introduction and application of Management Theory OR Leadership Style (select only one) you would use to help implement the change.15 
Change Agent Analyze the role of the Professional Nurse as a change agent in these four areas: motivation, morale building, employee satisfaction, and job enrichment (must address all four areas).20 
Motivation Theory Identify the specific motivation theory and rationale for the use of that theory. Why have you selected this theory and how would you apply it to your specific change project?10 
Strategies Use research literature to support the proposed change in professional nursing practice and summarize. Must incorporate the actual strategies from the literature to be used to implement the proposed change.15 
The content shall reflect a scholarly effort (including an introduction and conclusion/summary); proper grammar/punctuation, coherence, and spelling, and a maximum of eight (8) double-spaced type-written pages in length (excluding title page and reference list). The paper must have an introduction and summary. Follow APA format 7th edition.  References should have been published within the past 10 years. No websites are to be used unless they are a professional nursing or medical organization or association.10 

Topic for this paper is Skin pressure ulcer prevention in long term care facility”. 

Please read the instructions carefully.

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