Solved: SPC 2608 Self Analysis Guidelines


Purpose: The goal of this assignment is to reflect on your progress this semester to evaluate how you have developed as a speaker.

Task: Watch each of your speeches in order and evaluate your performance on each by reviewing the appropriate rubrics in the modules. Then, write a 2-3—page self analysis that addresses the following prompts:

  • When you began this course, how would you describe your speaking abilities? How would you describe them now?
  • How have you developed as a speaker throughout this course? What course concepts/assignments were most beneficial for you to develop as a speaker?
  • What do you consider your greatest strengths? Weaknesses? Have these changed over the course of the semester?
  • What areas do you still have for improvement? How do you plan to continue working on these?

A successful student will:

  • Watch and evaluate each of their speeches.
  • Clearly and thoroughly address the writing prompts in the 2-3—page paper.
  • Meet the minimum page length requirement.
  • Use clear and concise writing that is easy to understand and is free from errors.

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