Solved: Statistics and Excel


Case Study 1: Week 5 MGMT7250 INSTRUCTIONS:  Review the background briefing provided in the Assessments block.  Using the link provided in the Week’s block, respond to the questions in the following section. STRUCTURE AND CONTENTS: Step 1: select the data for this exercise:  If you selected Water, select the data describing Dissolved Oxygen % saturation  If you selected Waste, use the monthly totals for waste-to landfill volumes.  If you selected Thermal, use the monthly totals of the meter readings for Factory 2. Step 2: For your selected data, respond to the following: i. Prepare a run chart of the selected data, and provide an image in your post. ii. Plot the data as a running median, using Tukey’s 3R, and provide an image in your post. iii. What questions do these charts raise for you (maximum of 3)?

Case Study 2: Week 6 MGMT7250 INSTRUCTIONS:  Review the background briefing provided in the Assessments block.  Using the link provided in the Week’s block, respond to the questions in the following section. STRUCTURE AND CONTENTS: Step 1: For the time period corresponding to your selected data below, obtain monthly average temperature for the nearest location available from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology website. You may find that you have a choice of average minimum temperatures or average maximum temperatures. Select which makes most sense given the other data you are using, or calculate the average daily temperatures by averaging the minima and the maxima. Step 2: select the data from the case study for this exercise:  If you selected Water, select the data describing Dissolved Oxygen % saturation .  If you selected Waste, use the monthly totals for waste-to landfill volumes.  If you selected Thermal, use the monthly totals of the meter readings for Building 2. Step 3: For your selected data, respond to the following: i. Prepare a scatterplot of the selected data,, using appropriate software (Excel, Statistica, R, etc). ii. Determine the line of best fit (trend line) – remember it may be linear, polynomial, or any of the other types available. iii. Print the r 2 value on the chart. iv. Upload an image of the plot in your post. v. What questions do these charts raise for you (maximum of 3, entered into your post?

Case Study 3: Week 7 MGMT7250 INSTRUCTIONS:  Review the background briefing provided in the Assessments block.  Using the link provided in the Week’s block, respond to the questions in the following section. STRUCTURE AND CONTENTS: Consider the reading you have been doing to select articles for your CAT Report. You will have noticed some possible interventions or approaches to addressing the problem you have identified. And in thinking about the issues that AusLaunch is facing you will have identified some possible factors or criteria for assessing whether to adopt or reject any of these approaches. Step 1: Identify 3 possible interventions, solutions or approaches to managing the problem Note that these approaches could target any link in the problem chain – the cause, the mechanism, the problem, the impact or the consequences. Note also that they need not all target the same link. Step 2: Identify 5 appropriate criteria for assessing any interventions and decide how you would weight each of them. Step 3: Prepare your submission: i. Prepare a Weighted Additive Model table in a spreadsheet. ii. Populate the top row with the options you identified at Step 1. iii. Populate the first column and the second column of the spreadsheet with your selections from Step 2. iv. Upload an image of the table in your post v. For each criterion identified at Step 2, briefly describe how you propose to ensure that it is assessed accurately , and why you weighted it as you did. (1-2 sentences for each criterion)

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