STCO 526 STORYBRANDING AND THE BIBLE PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW This is a three-page paper. The Bible is full of stories and these stories are meant to do more than simply provide head knowledge—they are meant to connect us, head and heart, to a particular truth. Storybranding also desires to provide more than head knowledge about what a brand provides—it wants to sell a feeling or emotion to a prospect (thus, connecting the head and the heart). Think through the stories in the Bible and select one that you fully identify with. Using the Storybranding paradigm (a visual representation can be found on pp. 160-161 of the class text), consider what the backstory of the situation is (i.e., its context), what the soul of the story is (i.e., its inner layer) and explain what this story connects to inside of you that makes it so meaningful (the prospect’s inner layer). INSTRUCTIONS This paper will be assessed on the quality of writing, thought and how well the student applies the specific attributes of Storybranding to the Bible story that is selected. Since this is a personal reflection, APA style or academic sources are not required for this paper, but you must use concepts from our course and apply them LIBERALLY throughout your paper. Please double-space the paper, using one-inch margins. Do not include a title page or abstract. Your content should be three full pages, not two pages and part of a third. If your reflection is longer than three pages, that will be fine. Three full pages (going over by a bit is encouraged) o Page count does not include: Cover Page, Abstract, or Reference Page APA 7th edition Be sure to read all class announcements for additional helpful tips and suggestions regarding this assignment. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Storybranding and the Bible Paper Assignment
- Write a three-page paper connecting a Bible story to the concept of Storybranding
- Use the Storybranding paradigm to analyze the backstory and soul of the selected Bible story
- Apply specific attributes of Storybranding to the Bible story
- Quality of writing and thought will be assessed
- APA style or academic sources are not required
- Double-spaced, three full pages, APA 7th edition
- Originality will be checked via Turnitin plagiarism tool