Solved: Stroop test


Most of the paper was already written I just need it edited with proper apa 7 format, proper statistical wording and more wording for the results and discussion. My assignment was only to write the result and discussion in 3 pages. Eliminate any wordiness and grammar error in my paper. Attached is my paper and rubric.

Psychology: Stroop Test Analysis

  • Investigate gender differences in cognitive interference using the Stroop test
  • Hypothesize longer reaction times for females due to the Stroop effect
  • Analyze 24 participants’ congruent and incongruent Stroop tasks
  • Use paired samples t-tests and independent samples t-tests for statistical analysis
  • Results show significant difference between congruent and incongruent tasks
  • No significant gender differences in the Stroop effect
  • Discuss implications, generalization, and limitations of the study
  • Recommend future studies with larger and more diverse samples for comprehensive gender difference analysis

from the data 7 people with negative stroop effect was omitted. I wasn’t sure where to state that

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