Solved: Supporting Early Childhood Learning and Development


Final Strengths and Needs Assessment

Supporting Early Childhood Learning and Development

Final Strengths and Needs Assessment

EEC 3704: Supporting Early Childhood Learning and Development

Final Strengths and Needs Assessment

Student’s Name:

Now that you have completed the course, please complete the strengths and needs assessment on the next page. Then write a brief (3-4 sentences) reflection describing how your level of knowledge or competence about supporting early childhood learning and development changed during the semester.

Return the completed strengths and needs assessment via Canvas, by 11:59PM Eastern on Friday, June 21st.

Using a scale of 1 (not at all knowledgeable/competent) to 5 (advanced knowledge/competent), rate your current and desired level of knowledge/competence for each of the course objectives listed below. As this is the end of the semester, please reflect on your knowledge change over time. You may need to open the initial strengths and needs assessment that you submitted at the beginning of the semester to make that comparison.My level of  knowledge or competence nowMy level of knowledge or competence at the beginning of the courseDifference between my current and past knowledge or competence
Identify federal and state programs and policies which support children from birth to age five and their families.   
Differentiate developmentally appropriate practice, universal design for learning, and recommended practices for children with disabilities from birth to age five. Describe how these can work together to support learning and development for all children.   
Describe the role of assessment in development and learning and its purposes and functions across disciplines.   
Describe the importance of supporting children’s development and learning experiences in everyday activities and routines.   
Describe tiered frameworks that include universal, targeted and individualized supports for development and learning through the lens of developmental equity.   
Demonstrate knowledgeof tiered evidence-based strategies or practices that are used to support children’s development and learning through everyday activities and routines.   
Describe how to support the capacity of caregivers and practitioners to support the development and learning of young children.   
Describe the application of tiered frameworks for promoting the 3 R’s of early learning and building the capacity of caregivers and practitioners of young children.   
Apply evidence-based or recommended practices from tiered frameworks during everyday activities and routines throughout natural environments to develop the capacity of caregivers and practitioners to support the development and learning of young children.   

How has your level of knowledge or competence about supporting early childhood learning and development changed from the start to the end of this semester?

Answer the above question and write a brief reflection (3-4 sentences), describing and highlighting what you most enjoyed learning about and what you would have liked to learn more about throughout this semester.

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