Solved: Taking back the schools


Watch the PBS documentary, Chicano! Taking Back the Schools

Chicano! History of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement

The 1960s was a turbulent decade in American history, fraught with conflicts over issues from Civil Rights to the war in Vietnam. The Mexican American Civil Rights Movement, one of the least studied social movements of the 1960s, encompassed a broad cross section of issues—from restoration of land grants, to farm workers rights, to enhanced education, to voting and political rights. The video documentary Chicano! History of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement, a four-part documentary series, corrects this oversight. Ground-breaking for the material it covers, the series is one of the few to address the history of Mexican Americans in general and that of the Chicano Movement in particular; it is an indispensable resource for scholars and students.


Watch Documentary: Chicano! Taking Back the Schools

Read Article: The Walkout-How a Student Movement in 1968 Changed Schools Forever

Write a Reflection Paper

Research and include images with captions within your Word Document.

Apply key terms and definitions to describe the prejudice and discrimination both Chicana and Chicano Youth experienced while advocating equitable education. 

Submit as a MS Word file.

Reply to at least two of your classmate’s post


The Walkout — How a Student Movement in 1968 Changed Schools Forever

The Walkout – How a Student Movement in 1968 Changed School Forever_022618.pdf

Supplemental Content

 Photo Gallery

Exhibition of La Raza photos documents Chicano life in L.A. during the 60s and 70s

UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Library

La Raza Publication Records 1967-1977

Schools not prison/ we are not dirty mexicans


Read Article: The Walkout-How a Student Movement in 1968 Changed Schools Forever

Watch Documentary: Chicano! Taking Back the Schools


Write a Reflection Paper

Reflection Paper:

Your reflection paper is where you will intellectually analyze and deconstruct the content and/or context, where you will decolonize your critical thinking skills, and where you will provide your feeling, thoughts, and opinion/s about the material. Students’ reflection paper should address the following points listed below:

Document Format:

All Assignments will be submitted as a Word Document or PDF file.

AVOID attaching a Google Docs link or file, because often times it requires access permission and your assignment or discussion will be marked late and points will be deducted.


Document Margins:  1” (inch) margins all around.

Double space (Format + Paragraph + Spacing = Double Space)

Organize your essay and discussions into paragraphs not into one GIANT paragraph

Add titles and subtitles to your papers and discussions

Bold questions, so they stand out from your response or analysis


Font color: Black

Font Size: 12

Font Type: Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri


Always write a one-sentence caption, describing each image or graphic used in an assignment. 

Points will be deducted for missing captions

Your Reflection must answer the following points and questions

Identify at least 3 to 5 things you learned while completing this assignment and number them.

Students will explain, describe, identify, and/or translate what s/he/ or they understood, thought, felt, liked, or disliked about the content and context.  

Provide at least 2 two examples that describe how this assignment was relevant to course?

How did Chicana/os (Mexican Americans) “Educate their Thinking” and why was it so empowering.

All Reflection papers should be 500 to 600 words; more is ok too.

Apply at least 5 key terms and/or definitions to help diagnose the prejudice and discrimination you are deconstructing; avoid using the same ones each time, use your critical thinking skills explore the key terms 

What are the issues Mexican-American students presented nationwide which lead to their walkouts?

Identify five things you learned about the topic and documentary.

What did you like about this topic.

Apply key terms and definitions that explain the prejudice and discrimination associated to the assignment topic.

How is it relevant to the course; apply your critical thinking skills. 

Deconstruct the content and/or context; make personal connection to the material and describe how you felt watching students advocate for their rights to an education.

What protest signs stood out to you, what did they say and explain why?

Submit as MS Word document file.


Research and include 3 to 5 images of the Walkouts aka Blowouts within the same Word Document

You may also take screenshots of the documentary and includes those images

Write a caption for each image; 1 to 2 sentences, describing each image. 

Place the caption below the image.


After you share your paper, you will be able to view your classmates’ reflection paper along with the images they included within their Word document.

Read classmates paper and study their images of the Walkouts/ Blowouts


Reply to at least two of your classmate’s posts.

Make sure your responses are constructive, appropriate, and relevant to this assignment. 

Your responses should comply with our Course Netiquette Rules.

Make sure your posts are submitted throughout the discussion period and not all on the same day which limits your ability to fully engage in the whole class discussion


LIKE at least five or more of your classmates’ posts; it’s OK to Like and give everyone a Thumbs Up for sharing

Grading Rubric

This Discussion is worth upto 50 points, but will be graded according the Discussion Board Rubric. Your discussion will be graded using the rubric associated with the assignment (click the gear icon to “show rubric”).

Share your initial reply by 11:59PM

Respond to Two of your classmate’s responses 

This assignment must be Complete in order to avoid having points deducted and marked LATE

Missing Assignments are considered an absence and marked as zero ( 0 ) points

3 Absences = At Risk of being Dropped from the Class.

LATE work accepted = (-5) Point deductions

Extra Credit: on well organized papers with detailed facts and historical evidence. 

Instructor’s Feedback

I will follow the Discussion as it occurs throughout the week and will contribute to redirect if necessary or to ask additional questions.

I will provide feedback to your contributions in the discussion.

However, I will privately respond to your Discussion’s contributions in the Comment Box

I will notify students if your Discussion is incomplete or if there are any errors that need your immediate attention. 

Please follow the directions to avoid losing points and being having your Discussion marked Incomplete

You can expect to find your score 3-5 days after the Due date. 

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