Solved: Team Software Development Project


Task/assessment brief:

  1. Overview
    This coursework requires you to form teams of between three and five members to carry out a
    Rapid Application Development (RAD) exercise. Each team will appoint members to one or
    more of the following roles:
  • Facilitator
  • Scribe
  • Senior Management Representative
  • User Representative
  • Developer
    The roles are described in more detail in Section 2. It will be noted that the ideal team size is
    five. If the team numbers are greater or fewer than five, then there will either be more than one
    team member per role or more than one role per team member.
    The team is required to develop a simple system using the RAD methodology and a suitable
    development environment.
    Case study
    As individuals age, it is common for them to experience a variety of changes in their sleep
    architecture. This often includes challenges with both falling asleep and staying asleep
    throughout the night. These disruptions in sleep can lead to a significant decrease in sleep
    quality over time. Notably, there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that such declines in
    the quality of sleep may be a contributing factor to cognitive deterioration, which can be an
    early indicator of dementia-related conditions.
    Acknowledging this issue, there is a pressing need to develop a proactive, user-friendly tool
    specifically designed for older adults. This tool’s primary function would be to support the
    maintenance of cognitive health through the enhancement of sleep quality. To be effective, the
    tool must not only promote good sleep hygiene and practices but also provide a mechanism
    for monitoring and mitigating sleep disturbances that could potentially lead to cognitive decline
    or the onset of dementia.
    To ensure the tool is both relevant and effective, it should incorporate data analytics
    capabilities. These features would allow the tool to track and analyse individual sleep patterns
    over time, providing the user with personalised feedback. Based on the analysis, the tool
    would then recommend evidence-based interventions tailored to the user’s specific needs.
    The goal is to empower users with knowledge about their sleep patterns, particularly
    identifying any trends that may signify a deterioration in sleep health.
    The development of such a tool can greatly benefit from the vast array of existing research on
    the link between sleep quality, sleep disturbances, and the risk of dementia in older adults. By
    leveraging these research findings, the tool can be informed by the most current and
    comprehensive understanding of the sleep-health-cognition nexus, enhancing its potential
    effectiveness as a preventive measure against cognitive decline and dementia in the aging
    You are NOT required to collect primary data, but secondary information can be used to
    inform the requirements.
  1. Description of RAD Roles
    The focus of the facilitator is to help with how the discussion is proceeding rather than the
    content of the discussion, i.e. the facilitator’s responsibility is to address the journey rather
    than the destination. Additionally, they should:
    a. mediate disputes between other parties
    b. motivate resistant participants
    Associated Tools: Jira, Trello (or another Kanban board system); Word.
    The major role of the scribe is to record decisions made at each workshop. Additionally, the
    scribe should:
    a. keep a project diary to assist team members in understanding and reflecting on what
    has occurred and also to assist with writing up the assignment.
    b. record instances of conflict and conflict resolution within the team
    Associated Tools: Word (diary and meeting notes);
    The developer must:
    a. gather the established requirements from other team members.
    b. produce a prototype design for presentation during a workshop.
    c. listen to criticisms and feedback
    d. produce further prototype designs for presentation at further workshops until a final
    version is agreed.
    e. produce a working mobile application for presentation.
    Associated Tools: (Developer skillset focused)
    Management Representative
    The management representative must:
    a. understand the strategy of the chosen organisation
    b. ensure that the requirements of the system reflect the strategic needs of the
    c. establish a budget for the proposed system development
    d. ensure that the costs of the system development do not exceed the budget
    Associated Tools: MS Project; Word (record Management Strategy and Needs)
    User Representative
    The user representative must:
    a. ensure that the requirements of the proposed system adequately reflect the needs of
    the people who are going to use the system
    b. work with the developer to refine the prototype system
    Associated Tools: Word (record user needs)
    All Team Members
    Work together to complete the assignment in an effective and timely manner.
    Word count (or equivalent): 3000 (WRIT1) (+/- 10%)
    This a reflection of the effort required for the assessment. Word counts will normally include any text,
    tables, calculations, figures, subtitles and citations. Reference lists and contents of appendices are
    excluded from the word count. Contents of appendices are not usually considered when determining
    your final assessment grade.
    Referencing / Plagiarism / Poor scholarship
    Harvard referencing convention should be followed for the citations and the reference list. Do not forget
    citations for diagrams and tables if you use them. The Moodle drop box is set up to allow you to submit
    as many drafts as you need to, to check your references. The latest version you submit is the
    one which will be marked. Please consult general advice about good scholarships. We use a range of
    sanctions if plagiarism / poor scholarship is suspected.

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