Solved: TECHNICAL Programming


Section C – Instructions to learners
Task instructions:
This assessment task is due in Session 16. • This is an individual task. All answers provided must be in your own words and be your own work. You can research information from the internet, but you must not copy and paste directly from internet. All information sourced from the internet must be referenced. • Learners are to complete this assessment task using the Case Study Document in the Supporting Documents section of this document. You must record your answers to this assessment task in the Case Study section of this document.   The Metasploitable Security Case Study there are four (4) Parts • Instructions for completion of the Metasploitable security case study document:   Part ARead the Metasploitable case study. Create a Logical Topology diagram and a Physical Topology diagram of the current network. The Logical Topology diagram must include the IP addressing scheme for each device.Develop the IP Addressing scheme for the extension of the current network to include wireless connectivity.   Part BUsing Packet Tracer, create a simulated network. Part B1: Using the network design topology provided in, implement the network design in Packet Tracer.Once you have completed the network in Packet Tracer screenshot your design and insert the screenshot into the Case study document.Part B2: Using the IP addressing scheme in Part A3 complete IPv4 addressing table.Using the IPv6 addressing scheme in Part B2 b) complete the IP addressing table.Part B3: Using the IP addresses in Part B2, configure the devices for network connectivity. Capture screenshots using the commands provided in Part B3 a) – e) and insert into the case study document. Part B4 & 5: Using Ping command tool test the network connectivity; screen capture the outcome and insert into the table in the case study document in Part B4. Part B6: Explain to your assessor the methods used to troubleshoot and test your network.     Part CUsing VMware Workstation Pro, create a Virtual Machine Network to simulate a DoS attack. Follow the instructions in the case study for the setup and testing of the virtual machines network.Follow instructions to demonstrate DDoS attack.   Part DProvide a list of resources consulted to complete this case study, in particular those consulted relating to cyber security awareness.   REFER TO SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS FOR DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS   • Learners must also complete the cover sheet in this document. • Learners must upload the completed Assessment task and coversheet to Brightspace by the due date. • All tasks must be completed satisfactorily to be given satisfactory outcome in this Assessment Task. • If a supplied answer is incorrect or requires further information, the learner will be requested to correct the issues and resubmit the whole assessment via Brightspace within 7 days of receiving feedback. You are permitted two resubmissions per assessment task. • Learners must contribute to and abide by organisational standards including intellectual property and privacy laws.  
Section D – Conditions for assessment
Conditions: •  This assessment is to be completed individually. •  You must successfully complete all tasks satisfactorily to be given satisfactory result in this assessment. •  If not successful within the enrolment period as per Holmesglen assessment procedure, you will be requested to resubmit within 7 days of receiving feedback. You will have the opportunity to resubmit if any part of the assessment is deemed unsatisfactory (you are permitted two resubmission per assessment task). Resubmissions must be submitted by the resubmission due date provided by your teacher.
• This is an individual task; however, you are required to access information and ideas from your assessor, industry, the Brightspace and other reliable sources located on the internet, such as Cisco NetAcad.  •  You may use the internet to research answers, but all answers must be in your own words, and list of resources used must be provided in this assessment task (Part D). •  It is expected all documents will be completed and submitted electronically but if this is not possible, contact your teacher prior to the due date to make an alternative method of submission. •  You can appeal an assessment decision according to the Holmesglen Assessment Complaints and Appeals Procedure. •  If you feel you require special allowance or adjustment to this task, please discuss with your teacher/assessor within at least one week prior to the due date to this assessment. All special allowances must be approved by the Education Manager and approved by the Head of Department.  
Equipment/resources learners must supply:Equipment/resources to be provided by the RTO:
Learners opting to BYOD laptop or intending to learn and completing the assessment task remotely will require access to:   A PC/laptop with the following minimum specification: •       Quad-Core CPU, 16GB of RAM, 250GB of Storage, 2 GHz or faster processor •       Windows 10 OS, or virtual machine installed with Windows 10 OS (available free from or •       Headset with microphone and webcam (if learning remotely) •       Access to internet connection   Applications access available through Holmesglen MyHorizon and free access which can be downloaded via link below: •      Brightspace (Learning Management System) – •      365 Microsoft office suite – •      WebEx – •      Google Chrome – recommended web browser •      Wireshark –   Access to NetLab virtual Cisco lab – •      NetLab (Cisco Pods) •      Virtual Lab and step-by-step guides   Access to NetAcad – •      Packet Tracer   Access to Physical Cisco rack in the classroom: •      Cisco Routers/Switches/ASA   Access to Cyber offence toolkit •      Kali Linux –   Brightspace course offering – Resources •     The relevant legislation, framework/standards, policy and procedures  This is a blended learning course and as such a remote learner will access their own computer equipment as per the specification provided. The Institute will provide the following:   Classroom computer with the following minimum specification: •       Quad-Core CPU, 16GB of RAM, 250GB of Storage, 2 GHz or faster processor •       Internet access   Applications access available at ZENworks and Holmesglen MyHorizon: •      Brightspace (Learning Management System) •      365 Microsoft office suite •      WebEx •      Google Chrome – recommended web browser •      Wireshark   Access to NetLab virtual Cisco lab •      NetLab (Cisco Pods) •      Virtual Lab and step-by-step guides   Access to NetAcad •      Packet Tracer   Access to Physical Cisco rack in the classroom: •      Cisco Routers/Switches/ASA   Access to Cyber offence toolkit •      Kali Linux   Brightspace course offering – Resources •     The relevant legislation, framework/standards, policy and procedures  

Section E – Marking Guide
Assessment number:2 of 2Assessment title:Case Study
Learner ID:   Learner name:Learner name.
Unit code:VU23213Unit title:Utilise basic network concepts and protocols required in cyber security


Criteria for assessmentSatisfactoryComment
The following has been submitted for assessment:
Part A – Topology Designs 
Part B – Packet Tracer Configuration 
Part C – Virtual Machine Network Configuration and DDoS Attack 
Part D – Useful resources for Cyber Security Awareness 
Part A – Logical Topology and Physical Topology diagrams and Subnetting Marking criteria for each product document/s supplied:
1.Learner has provided correct design of the Logical topology diagram  
2.Learner has provided correct design of the Physical topology diagram  
3.Learner has correctly Subnetted a IPv4 & IPv6 addressing schemes. 
Part B – Packet Tracer Network Simulation Marking criteria for each product document/s supplied:
1.Learner has correctly cabled and created the network 
2.Learner has correctly completed IPv4 & IPv6 IP Addressing Table. 
3.Learner has correctly configured all devices with IPv4 & IPv6 addressing scheme 
4.Learner has successfully executed basic configuration of a Router and Switch using Packet Tracer & script provided. 
5.Learner has successfully tested and verified End-to-End Connectivity (IPv4 & IPv6) 
6Learner successfully explained troubleshooting and testing methods used to test the network. 
Part C – Virtual Machine Network Configured for DDoS attack Marking criteria for each product document/s supplied:
1.Learner has successfully created 2 VMware Virtual machines and installed Windows OS on one virtual machine and Kali Linux OS on the second virtual machine. 
2.Learner has correctly configured an IP Address for each virtual machine. 
3.Learner successfully tested the network connectivity between virtual machines using CMD Ping tool on Windows machine and Terminal command on Kali Linux machine. 
4.Learner successfully tested external connectivity by pinging a public IP Server. 
5.Learner successfully launched and monitored DDoS attack 
Part D – Useful Resources for Cyber Security Awareness Marking criteria for each product document/s supplied:
1.Learner has provided a list of useful resources to increase cyber security awareness for a business organisation. 
Section F – Feedback to Learners
Has the learner successfully completed this assessment task?YesNo
Additional Assessor comments (as appropriate):  

Resubmission allowed:Yes ☐No ☐Resubmission due date:    
Assessor name: 
Assessor signature: 
Date assessed:   

Assessment Task – Supporting Document (Learner Version)

VU23213 – Utilise basic network concepts and protocols required in cyber security
Assessment number:2 of 2
Assessment title:Assessment task 2 – Portfolio
Name:Insert name.
Date:Insert date.           

Project Brief
Read through the brief below take note of the needs and requirements outlined in the brief.

  METASPLOITABLE SECURITY CASE STUDY Background information You are the IT Manager for Metasploitable Inc. and you are requested to put forward a recommendation/solution to enhance the company’s infrastructure security.   The business, Metasploitable Inc., currently has 16 open space workstations, 3 enclosed office spaces, reception area, conference room and a kitchenette plus a small storage room. The floor plan of the current premise is provided below. The existing infrastructure is capable of ethernet connections but requires upgrading for wireless connectivity.   Each open space workstation has its own desktop computer and is connected to the internal data storage system. Every 3 months the organisation runs a trainee program where 4 new trainees join the firm for 2 weeks. These 4 trainees must be seated together and have appropriate access levels to complete the work given to them.   Management is concerned about internal security of company data. Currently all staff members have access to all areas of the file server, and this would include the new trainees. The company is concerned this is a security risk and wants to implement access control levels across the staff.   Management have noticed issues in everyday computer operations. There has been an increase in phishing emails and reports of unusually slow performance of the network. As the IT Manager, you recommend the company implements an end-point protection solution be implemented where all devices on the network will be monitored for unusual behaviours. Also, the Company should implement a reliable data backup system which backs up daily to the cloud and to an in-house physical device.   CURITY CASE STUDY
Part A1 & A2 – Logical Topology and Physical Topology diagrams
As IT Manager, you will gather the following information to support planning for implementation of system changes to address the above issues.
Prepare a logical topology diagram and a physical topology diagram of the current premise, but you must also include in your diagram. (Refer to the information provided above and the floor plan diagram).  
Wireless connectivityLogical Topology diagram with IP addresses   (Insert topology diagram with IP addresses created in Part A3)     
Storage device to support back up (NAS)Physical Topology diagram   (Insert topology diagram here)    
Part A3 – IP Addressing Scheme for Logical Topology Diagram

Summary Addressing Scheme – Starting Point
Network IP Address192.168.40.0/24
Subnet Mask255.255.255.0
Number of Subnets to be made4
Number of Hosts Created64
Number of Useable Hosts Created62
Subnet 1
Network IP Address 
Subnet Mask 
Start of IP Address Range 
End of IP Address Range 
Broadcast Address 
Subnet 2
Network IP Address 
Subnet Mask 
Start of IP Address Range 
End of IP Address Range 
Broadcast Address 
Subnet 3
Network IP Address 
Subnet Mask 
Start of IP Address Range 
End of IP Address Range 
Broadcast Address 
Subnet 4
Network IP Address 
Subnet Mask 
Start of IP Address Range 
End of IP Address Range 
Broadcast Address 
Part B1 – Packet Tracer Topology

Your Packet Tracer network design for the above diagram.   (Insert your Packet Tracer network design for the above diagram)    
Part B2 – IP Addressing Table

Using Part A3 IP Addressing Scheme fill in the table below using any 2 (two) subnets for an IPv4 network.   Using the IPv6 network address 2001:DB8:ACAD::/64, complete the addressing table below and configure IPv6 addresses for all devices. Use FE80::1 as the link-local address on the interface.   Device Interface IPv4 Address / Prefix IPv6 Address / Prefix Default Gateway R1 G0/0/0 G0/0/0 G0/0/0 2001:db8:acad:A::/64 N/A R1   FE80::A:1 N/A R1 G0/0/1 G0/0/1 G0/0/1   N/A R1     N/A AP0 NIC       S1 VLAN 1       PC-A NIC       PC-A NIC       PC-B NIC       PC-A NIC       Laptop0 NIC            
Part B3 – IP Addressing Table

Using the IP addresses in Part B2, configure the devices and test for remote console access using the basic script provided below.   #Script: conf t hostname JA100200300 enable secret class no ip domain-lookup banner motd $NO UNAUTHORISED ACCESS ALLOWED$ exit   Further configuration must be done to create the network connectivity. When this is completed capture a screenshot of each device using the commands given below and insert under the command:
a.     Router Show IP interface brief<screenshot here>  Show IPV6 interface brief<screenshot here>   Show running configuration<screenshot here> 
b.     Switch Show running configuration<screenshot here>  
c.     PC A Ipconfig/All<screenshot here>  
d.     PC B Ipconfig/All<screenshot here>  
e.     Laptop0 Ipconfig/All<screenshot here>  
Part B4 – End to End Connectivity Testing

Verify network connectivity. Use the Ping command tool to test connectivity between all network devices. In the table insert screenshot of each testing outcome to verify connectivity with each networked device.   If a Ping test fails, take corrective action to establish connectivity, then perform screen capture. From To Protocol Screenshot PC-A R1 G0/0/0 IPv4 blank PC-A R1 G0/0/0 IPv6 blank PC-A R1 G0/0/1 IPv4 blank PC-A R1 G0/0/1 IPv6 blank PC-A S1 VLAN 1 IPv4 blank PC-A S1 VLAN 1 IPv6 blank PC-A PC-B IPv4 blank PC-A PC-B IPv6 blank    
Part C – Configuring a Virtual Machine network for simulation of DDoS attack

To support Metasploitable Inc. readiness to detect and deal with cyber incidents, you will setup and run a virtual machine network to demonstrate the impact of a DDoS attack.
  Virtual Machine Network Setup: Create two (2) virtual machines using VMware Workstation. Install a Windows Operating System on machine one. Also, on this machine install Wireshark.
On virtual machine two install Kali Linux Operating System.  Insert screen capture of installed operating system for each virtual machine: Windows Virtual Machine <screenshot here>   Kali Linux Virtual Machine <screenshot here>         Assign both virtual machines a host IPv4 address using a network address of your choice.  Insert screen capture of IP address configuration for each virtual machine:   Windows Virtual Machine <screenshot here>     Kali Linux Virtual Machine <screenshot here>       Test network connectivity between virtual machine one and two using Ping tool – Command prompt in Windows and Terminal in Kali Linux. Provide screen capture of Ping test between both virtual machines:   <screenshot here>     Test Internet Access connectivity by Pinging to a public IP Address ( Provide screen capture of Ping test to a public IP address:   <screenshot here>    
  Demonstrate a DDoS Attack   Using the Script provided below, launch the Script in Terminal prompt in the Kali Linux virtual machine.  Ensure you replace the text in RED with the IP address of the Windows virtual machine. (Refer to the table provided if you want more information about the commands being used here) sudo hping3 -c 100 -d 128 -S -w 64 -p 23 –flood –rand-source Windows IP Address Hit enter and launch the attack.
HPing3 Manual
  -floodSending packets as fast as possible, without taking care to show incoming replies. Flood mode.
–rand-sourceUsing Random Source IP Addresses. You can also use -a or –spoof to hide hostname
-cNumber of packets to send
-dSize of each packet that was sent to target machine
-SI am sending SYN packets only
-wTCP window size
-pDestination port (21 being FTP port). You can use any port here
  Provide screenshot of script execution. <screenshot here>           In the Windows Operating System virtual machine, open Wireshark application and take a screen capture of the DDoS attack and insert below.     <screenshot here>      
Part D – Useful Resources for Cyber Security Awareness

  List all sources of information you accessed to complete this assessment task.  
DescriptionLink (if applicable)

Assessment Submission Cover Sheet (VET)

Learner to complete relevant sections and attach this cover sheet to each assessment task for submission.

Learner informationTo be completed by Learner
Learner name: Learner ID: 
Program/Course details
Qualification code:22603VICQualification title:Certificate IV in Cyber Security
Unit code:  VU23213Unit title:  Utilise basic network concepts and protocols required in cyber security
Department name:BDIT, Computing & Information TechnologyCRN number:Enter CRN number
Assessment informationTo be completed by Learner
Teacher name: 
Due date:Session 16Date submitted: Re-submission:
Learner declaration 
By submitting this assessment task and signing the below, I acknowledge and agree that: This completed assessment task is my own work. I understand the serious nature of plagiarism and I am aware of the penalties that exist for breaching this.I have kept a copy of this assessment task. The assessor may provide a copy of this assessment task to another member of the Institute for validation and/or benchmarking purposes.
Learner signature For electronic submissions: By typing your name in the learner signature field, you are accepting the above declaration. 


Assessor to attach a photocopy of the completed Marking Guide (Section E) from the Learner version of the Assessment Task.

Final result of the subject/unit will be entered on Banner by the teacher/assessor once all assessment tasks have been assessed.

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