Solved: The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate you knowledge to perform a SWOT analysis and an intervention plan based on your findings.


The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate you knowledge to perform a SWOT analysis and an intervention plan based on your findings.

In addition to your 9 pages  Assignment submit your SWOT diagram. The SWOT diagram is located in the presentation area. Is attached at the bottom of the paper is the example please use these as is required. The diagram with columns contain the actual findings.

Please cover everything listed below (in no particular order)

Discuss in detail your internal analysis of the Strengths & Weaknesses of your field-placement.

Discuss in detail your external analysis of the Opportunities and Threats of your field-placement.

From your SWOT analysis determine an issue or problem that can be improved upon. This problem may be compromising the effectiveness and

efficiency of a program or area, which ultimately impacts the communities served.

What resources will you utilize to create an action plan for intervention to address issue or problem you have identified?

Discuss in detail why you choose those resources.

How will you evaluate the effectiveness of your intervention plan?

Writing expectations include competency in the following:

Sentence Structure


Focus and Organization

Introduction and/or Thesis Statement and a Conclusion

Must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and typed in 12-point Times New Roman.

Your Essay should have a Title Page and Reference Page.

Essays should be proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes.

You must cite all texts used, including page numbers to avoid plagiarism

You should use a minimum of 2-3 sources from the Touro library in support of your Signature Assignment.

Your essay should be 9 pages of text. This is in addition to the title and reference pages.

American Express Co SWOT Analysis. (2019). American Express Company SWOT Analysis, 1–9. Retrieved from EBSCO multi-search database in the TUW library


  • Los Angeles Mission

Survey Among Staff Members for school assignment.

Strengths  Weaknesses  Opportunities  Threats  
Discipleship program­.   Effective program for men and women   Organized system   Treat the community with dignity and respect.   Mission driven.    Administration supportProper Training   Under Staff   Poor parking structure   Volunteer commitment!   Not enough emergency beds for women   Under qualified staff   Not supported by supervisors   Lack of support and poor communication among departments                The sources provided to studentMore housing for women   Follow up with graduate students.   Training of staff for emergency events   Community outreach   More Training for Staff   Bilingual staff   Promote the program to reach out to a larger homeless community.   Additional beds for womenPoor collaboration among   department.Proper use of funds   The environment around the mission   Covid-19   Loosing sponsors   Not enough volunteers

The board of directors comprises individuals who are entrusted with the responsibility of making pivotal decisions that align with the organization’s mission, strategy, and goals. They aim to uphold the public’s interest through the organization’s work and act as a legal voice for it.

This is the report of directors from case manager, The Outreach, Ministry and Education department. The participation was in a in person  interview .  The interview was to employees with positions at different levels this include directors of the department. who have daily contact with clients, groups, and the community. The participants were given a disclosed noticed of the information share will be confidential.

In the interview participants of males and females of ages 28-62 and employees of 2-20 years working at the Mission.

Sample SWOT

Strengths   (List here anything you can think of that makes your field placement amazing!)   Strong summer camp programs  Dedicated, passionate staff and volunteers  Valuable services provided  Long history and deep roots  Resiliency – survival despite adverse conditions  Great summer camp property on a lake  Weaknesses   (What isn’t quite the way it should be yet?  What is missing?)   Poor fundraising history  Poor and aging facilities  Volunteer, staff burnout  Inefficient or nonexistent business systems Small volunteer base  Declining financial support   
Opportunities   (List here any potential opportunities to really push your field placement forward.)     Using alternate facilities  Developing partnerships with other programs  Emerging volunteer sources  Competitively priced  100 year anniversary in 2 years Untapped fundraising constituencies   Threats   (List here anything that is getting in your way of achieving goals, mission or vision.)   Competitor programming  Certain programs losing funding sources  Economy reduces funds for programs, philanthropy  Hard to measure impact of certain programs  Cash flow / external debts   

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