Solved There is an expression about policymaking and the legislative process that is credited to Otto Von Bismarck: “Laws are like sausages – it is better not to see them being made.”


There is an expression about policymaking and the legislative process that is credited to Otto Von Bismarck: “Laws are like sausages – it is better not to see them being made.” Think about this phrase and then based on your readings and learning activities, describe what you think this statement means. Why the analogy to sausage?

Find a piece of current healthcare legislation (federal – House or Senate; local state) that you think fits the analogy of sausage making. How does it fit this analogy? What went into the bill and are the ingredients recognizable in the final product? Write a brief explanation describing:

·       Why did you choose this particular resource?

·       What was the most important take-home message you learned from viewing or reading the resource?

·       Would you recommend this resource to your classmates? Why or why not?

·       How has this resource helped you to better understand the role of legislation in the creation and development of health policy?

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