Solved: Understanding and Leading Change (ULC)



Please do not use P1, P2 etc., as headings and decide your own appropriate headings. Please provide the information at appropriate level. For example, evaluation is not same as explanation. The word limit mentioned for each criteria is the minimum words required. You can go over the limit if needed. However, do not provide less that the given limit. Please use at least two references to each topic listed under a, b, c.

You have to choose an organisation of your choice.

P1:  (a) Define change in organisational context keeping in mind the case-study organisation (100   words)

            (b) Briefly describe at least three different types of organisational changes( emergent, evolutionary, structural, strategic, Process etc) (200 words)

      (c) Review contemporary examples of organisational changes (in three different examples) and their impact on business operation. Also identify what type of change was it (400 words)

P2: (a) In a table, compare  internal  & external drivers for change,  and  also their influence on organisational change.   (300 words)

P3:  (a) Analyse how leadership in organisations can be affected by change (250 words)

       (b) Analyse how individual behaviour in organisations can be affected by change (250 words).

P4:  (a) Evaluate (positive and negative in a paragraph) (at least 4) measures that can be taken to minimise negative impacts of  change on organisational behaviour (300 words)

P5: (a) Investigate the forces for change and, their impact on leadership decision making (200 words)

      (b) Investigate the against change and, their impact on leadership decision making (200 words)

P6:  Assume any two situation that require change.

  • Recommend two change model (such as Kotter’s 8 Step, Lewin Change Model, McKinsey 7S model etc) to change initiatives two different situations. (300 words)
  • Recommend a leadership model for change in those situation (200 words)

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