Analysis Report Students will be expected to demonstrate beginning proficiency in univariate and bivariate data analysis using SPSS. The assignment will consist of data entry in SPSS, desсrіptive statistics, and hypothesis testing A social science researcher was interested in the levels of well-being among college students. For this purpose, the researcher collected data from a representative sample of 182 students from local universities in the Washington, DC area. Participants were asked to indicate their gender (0=male, 1=female), age (actual age), race (1=African American, 2=White, 3=other), marital status (MSTATUS: 1=single, 2=married, 3=living together unmarried), employment (EMPLOYED: 1=full-time, 2=part-time, 3=not employed), physical health (1=poor, 2=fair, 3=good, 4=very good, 5=excellent), and body mass index (BMI: 1=normal weight, 2=overweight, 3=obese). They also completed standardized measures of self-esteem (ESTEEM), life satisfaction (SATISFACTION), depression (CESD), and self-perception (PERCEPTION). Overall, the higher the score is, the greater the value for the particular measure (e.g., higher self-esteem score indicates greater self-esteem, etc.). The SPSS data file, Well-Being, will be available on the digital campus in the SPSS Data folder. Capitalized words in parentheses are the variables’ names in the SPSS data file. Follow steps of hypothesis testing and include summary tables. In no more than 10 pages (not including tables and graphs) examine the relationships between each one of the following variables: 1. Self-esteem and gender 2. Physical health and life satisfaction 3. Self-perception and marital status Write out relationships between variables and include tables and graphs. Include measures of central tendency and measures of variability, and inspect graphs for normal distributions and recode if necessary. (Include frequency tables, histograms, q-q plots, box plots.) After computing variables, indicate significance level and write up results in essay form discussing the relationship between each set of variables. Note: Answer each hypothesis separately. Do not submit SPSS output files.
8 August, 2024
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