Solved: Week 1 Reading Response


Submit a one (1) paragraph analysis of an “additional reading.” The goal is to engage with course concepts while practicing a few important writing skills in short form: a) summary, b) brevity, c) paraphrasing, and d) identifying key take-aways (ex. what concepts from YMAY are showing up in the additional reading and how?). Aim for 5-7 sentences each week. Use this as a chance to build a tool for yourself. A tool you can use to connect concepts across texts, to apply a concept, to record your reading experience, and/or to support you in completing your final project. Reading assignments are due by 5pm every Wednesday. Late reading responses for week 1 can be submitted until April 10th.

Reading Assignments Late Policy: you will have a one-week-window for submission. Each reading response has a corresponding due date (every Wednesday). To receive full credit for your reading response, you must submit your completed reading response by the due date. From the due date, you will have a one-week-window to submit your reading response late. Late reading responses will receive a one (1) point deduction for lateness and will be subject to normal evaluation standards. Each reading response has a late due date outlined in your syllabus. After the late due date, you will receive a zero for any incomplete reading assignments. 

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