Solved: Week 4 Individual Assignment: Stakeholder Analysis 


This is an overview of this week’s topics; however, the Week 4 content (reading assignment, learning activities instructions/prompts, and grading rubrics) will provide you with the information you will need to understand each topic, participate in this week’s group work, complete the Week 4 individual and group assignments, and the Week 4 quiz.

Read the following during Week 4:

These assigned readings are provided to give you the needed background to expand your knowledge and understanding, along with helping to complete the required discussion, assignment, and quiz in Week 4. Make sure to set aside enough time early in the week to read this week’s assigned readings and develop a strategy on how you can apply these resources to your response to the discussion and assignment.PMBOK®  Guide (6th ed.)Chapter 4: Project Integration ManagementChapter 13, Introduction: Project Stakeholder ManagementChapter 13, Section 13.1: Identify StakeholdersWatt, A. Project Management, BC Open TextbooksChapter 7: Project Initiation  (Sections related to project initiation and charter development)Week 4 Individual Assignment: Stakeholder Analysis


This stakeholder identification/analysis process involves identifying project stakeholders regularly and analyzing and documenting relevant information regarding their interests, involvement, interdependencies, influence, and potential impact on the success of the project. Relevant information about project stakeholders is gathered to determine stakeholders’ expectations, their level of support for the project, their interest in the project, their position in the organization or role on the project. Stakeholders are categorized according to their level of interest/influence/authority or power over the project. This analysis and resulting information form the basis for the stakeholder register.   

Assignment Prompt

Once you have read this week’s assigned reading and fully understand the identify/analyze project stakeholder process, respond to the following assignment prompts:The topic  in accordance with the Team charter posted in the group locker is on Charter Communication’s Spectum Internet.
Using the group project scenario, conduct an analysis of the project and identify the key stakeholders of the project (up to eight).
Consider the power and/or interest of each stakeholder (use the Power/Interest Grid). Complete an analysis of your group project stakeholders based on your identification and analysis of the project stakeholders.Using this information, develop a project stakeholder register for your group project.

Assignment Instructions

Download the Stakeholder Analysis template provided and save a copy with your last name in the file name

A (Superior 90-100)B (Satisfactory 80-89)C (Needs Improvement 0-79)Accurately identified the logical/key project stakeholders or stakeholder groups 8 or more individual stakeholders or stakeholder groups were identified for the group project.Accurately identified the impact of the project on all stakeholders. For all stakeholders, accurately identified the level of influence on the project.Accurately identified the important aspects of the project to the stakeholder.Accurately identified how the stakeholder could contribute positively to the project or hinder the project.Identified clear strategies for engaging stakeholder.Exceptional use of the stakeholder management templates provided in the assignment instructions. Includes a stakeholder analysis matrix and stakeholder register in MS Word. No errors in spelling/grammar/word usage found.Identified most of the key project stakeholders or stakeholder groups. 5 or more individual stakeholders or stakeholder groups were identified for the group project.Identified some of the impact of the project on most of the stakeholders. For some of the stakeholders, identified the level of influence on the project and many of the important aspects of the project to the stakeholder.Suggests how the stakeholder could contribute to the project or hinder the project.Identified many strategies for engaging stakeholder.Used the stakeholder management templates provided in the assignment instructions. Includes a stakeholder analysis matrix and stakeholder register in MS Word. A few errors in spelling/grammar/word usage were found.Identified a few of the key project stakeholders or stakeholder groups for the group project but are missing several key stakeholders.Fewer than 5 individual stakeholders or stakeholder groups were identified for the group project.Identified project stakeholders or stakeholder groups but these stakeholders would not be considered key stakeholders based on the project scenario.Does not identify the impact of the project on all stakeholders or the level of influence the project stakeholder has over the project.For all stakeholders, accurately identified the level of influence on the project.Fails to identify how the stakeholder could contribute positively to the project or hinder the project.Clear strategies for engaging stakeholder are absent from the stakeholder analysis.Does not use the stakeholder management templates provided in the assignment instructions. There were many errors in spelling/grammar/word usa

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