Solved: Wellness discussion


Over the past two weeks, our readings and discussions have been focused on establishing a baseline for understanding wellness. In this module, we will begin our tour through the four lenses, beginning with history. As we dive into the four lenses, keep in mind that each lens is framed as a way of seeing the issue and is not necessarily tied to the associated discipline. Thus, looking through the historical lens is not just about History Channel documentaries—it is also about how you use the lens to understand the past and present. 

Each discussion is meant to be a collaborative space for conversation in which to process the concepts within the course. To ensure an interesting and respectful discussion, you are encouraged to think creatively about your initial posts and build upon the points made by your peers. Discussing challenges that face our world often means investigating opinions and ideas different from your own. Remember to remain thoughtful and respectful towards your peers and instructor in your discussion post and replies. It is also important to review the module resources and read the prompts in their entirety before participating in the discussion.

Create one initial post and follow up with at least two response posts.

For your initial post, address the following:

As a part of this historical moment, what wellness issue or event do you believe will be considered important to explain current society? Choose a wellness issue or event that is different from your project topic.

How is this issue or event connected to the concept of wellness?

How does reflecting on your issue or event impact your understanding of wellness and current issues/events?

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