Solved: Work and Employment


Chose and answer ONE of the questions below.

  1. Globalisation had uneven impact on employment practices and experiences across
    geographies, industries and occupations intensifying economic and social inequalities across
    gender, class and race lines. Discuss this assertion by referring to debates around dark side of
    globalisation and increased push towards further labour flexibility.
  2. Explore unfair discrimination at work by focusing on a specific ground of discrimination (i.e.
    race/ethnicity, religion/belief, age, disability, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation and
    social class). If you choose to explore intersectionality, you can bring in one or two other
    grounds into your analysis.
    Essay structure: You are required to follow the essay structure below with clear section headings:
    I. Introduction: clarify the scope of your essay, provide a rationale for why the topic is important and
    present a brief outline
    II. Main body: Present and critically assess different scholarly arguments, concepts and theories
    related to the question. Go beyond just providing description or simply repeating the literature You
    must use the academic reading on QMPlus related to your chosen question here. You may also use
    non-academic sources available on QMPlus to illustrate your argument.
    III. Conclusion: Highlight key points, reflect on the limitations of your essay and identify future
    research directions and conclude by proposing policy recommendations (for companies,
    governments, and other influential bodies).
    IV. Reference list containing at least 6-7 academic sources from those provided on QMPlus which are
    all cited in the essay. In addition, you can and are advised to use non-academic sources news items,
    and videos on QMPlus . All sources that were used should be cited in the essay and included in the
    reference list. All items in the reference list should be cited in the essay. Use Harvard Referencing
    Further instructions:
  • The word limit for your essay is 1500 words excluding references.
  • State the essay question that is answered and word count on the front page
  • You are required to draw references from the material provided for this module on QMPlus.
  • Please use the Harvard system of citation and referencing.
  • Do not use footnotes.
  • Plagiarism and ghostwriting are strictly prohibited, and serious penalties apply.
  • Services for in-sessional support with English Language and Study Skills are available through

Queen Mary’s Language and Learning Unit and academic writing tutor at SBM.

  1. Assessment rubric with weighted criteria

Introduction 10%
Main body of the essay 60%
Conclusion 20%
Structure/style 10%
The coursework will be assessed on the extent to which it:

  • displays knowledge and understanding of the issues and debates related to the question;
  • brings together and critically evaluates material in forwarding the argument, assessing
    competing interpretations, rather than just providing description or simply repeating the
  • integrates and reflects on in-class learning and independent study; and
  • presents a well-structured and developed argument responding to the question, observing the
    academic standards of grammar, spelling and referencing; and following assessment
    Submission Information
    Please observe the following style guide.
  • All work must be typed and submitted in MS Word or Adobe PDF format
  • Use 12 point font size and Arial font style
  • Lines should be double-spaced
  • Insert page numbers
  • Use a header containing your student ID number, the module code and the date.
  • Always spell-check and proof read your work before submitting.
  • Keep your own electronic back-up copy of your work and if possible save on two devices.
  • Avoid plagiarism
  • Submit your work on time
    Guidelines and Late-Work Policy
  1. Coursework submitted late (and there are no extenuating circumstances) will incur a late penalty. Five per
    cent of the total marks available shall be deducted for every period of 24 hours, or part thereof, that an
    assignment is overdue there shall be a deduction of five per cent of the total marks available (i.e. five marks
    for an assessment marked out of 100). After seven calendar days (168 hours or more late) the mark shall
    be reduced to zero, and recorded as 0FL (zero, fail, late).
  2. You should ensure that your submission is in either Microsoft Word or PDF format. Failure to submit in
    either one of these formats will result in a mark of 0 being awarded for the particular assessment. It is
    therefore your responsibility to ensure that the file format is correct and it can be opened by the receiving
  3. You should ensure that the correct piece of assignment is uploaded as the document downloaded on the
    due date by the module organiser will be marked regardless of content. You will not have another
    opportunity to submit the work again if you mistakenly uploaded the wrong document.
  5. Computer problems, such as computer viruses, failure to make a back-up copy or temporary internet
    access problems, will NOT be viewed as a valid reason for late submission.
  6. Check that your assignment submission has been successful, and print a copy of the confirmation screen.
  7. If you submit your assignment after the deadline, you will still be able to submit your coursework via QMplus
    however you will be penalised for late submission, the only exception to this is if you have an approved
    extension due to extenuating circumstances.

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