Solved: Writing Assignment (Module 3)


SOC100 Module Three Writing Assignment: The Sociological Imagination

The purpose of this assignment is to apply your sociological imagination to your own life using concepts from Module 3 chapters and lectures (Socioeconomic Status and Inequality; Race and Ethnicity; Gender; and Sexuality). To do this, you will select and apply two concepts of your choice to an autobiographical aspect of your life. You will then find two peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles from the UTM library that relate to your concepts, and you will explain how the research in your articles advances your understanding of how your concepts apply to your life.

The assignment will have two sections:

Section OneConcept Connection

1. Review the concepts, theories, and ideas from the chapters in Module 3 (Socioeconomic Status and Inequality; Race and Ethnicity; Gender; and Sexuality). Think of a single example or issue in your life that relates to two Module 3 concepts. Select TWO concepts in total from TWO chapters (for example, one concept from Socioeconomic Status and Inequality and one from Sexuality). Your concepts cannot both be from the same chapter.

A concept could be any term, definition, theory, or idea from the chapter (for example, from Gender, it could be hegemonic masculinity, gender stereotypes, division of household labour, and so on; from Socioeconomic Status and Inequality, it could be conspicuous leisure, intergenerational mobility, poverty, and so on; from Race and Ethnicity, it could be symbolic ethnicity, white privilege, prejudice, and so on).

You are not selecting two experiences or aspects, each with their own separate concept. Instead, you are integrating two concepts and applying both to the same single autobiographical experience, example, or issue in your life.

2. State and define your two concepts in your own words.

3. Describe your experience or example from your life and show how/why these concepts are relevant. Your discussion in this section will demonstrate two things: your understanding of the concepts through their application to your experience, and your ability to integrate concepts from different chapters to some aspect from your own life.


  • Heading should be Concept Connection (include your word count for this section in brackets; example: Concept Connection (478))
  • Up to 500 words, double spaced
  • Any standard 12 pt font
  • Indent paragraphs
  • Include citations in ASA format (Example citation: (Baker and Innocente 2021); see also the video) as needed, such as when drawing on material from the textbook

Section TwoApplied Research  

1. Search for one peer-reviewed scholarly article for each concept (two articles in total). Each article must relate to either or both concepts; see assignment video. 

Find your articles in the Sociological Abstracts database from the UTM library. They must be peer-reviewed scholarly articles from 2000-present year. See the assignment video outlining how to search for articles via the UTM library website.

2. Read the articles and apply the findings, arguments, data, and/or conclusions to your concepts.

You must explain how the information from the article helps you to further understand your concepts and how they relate to your personal experiences. Using the findings, arguments, data, and/or conclusions, tell us how your research applies to your story and helps you to apply the concepts. Note that your goal is not to summarize the article; instead, highlight the article’s relevant findings/arguments in 2-3 sentences, being sure to focus most of your paragraph on how that information enhances your knowledge as it relates to your autobiographical concept connection.


  • Heading should be Applied Research (include your word count for this section in brackets; example: Applied Research (537))
  • Article #1 should be one paragraph of up to 300 words; include the title of the article at the beginning of the paragraph
  • Article #2 should be one paragraph of up to 300 words; include the title of the article at the beginning of the paragraph
  • Any standard 12 pt font, double space
  • Indent paragraphs
  • Include citations in ASA format as needed, such as when summarizing the findings of each article

Section Three: References

  1. Heading should be References, in the centre of the page, in italics
  2. Include your scholarly articles and the textbook in this reference section using ASA (American Sociological Association) format. This should be double spaced.
  3. Include a screen shot of the first page of each article you locate. The first page contains at least the journal name and information, title, authors, and abstract.

A note about sources: For this assignment, you are using only your textbook and the two articles described above. Any other sources or tools are considered unauthorized aids. 

The file you submit should be .doc, .docx, or .pdf. 

Please review the detailed rubric for information on how your assignment will be assessed: SOC100 Writing Assignment rubric.docxDownload SOC100 Writing Assignment rubric.docx

Due Date:

The assignment is due on the due date listed on Quercus. Late assignments for reasons that are within your control will be penalized 10% for the first 24 hours and 5% for each 24 hour period thereafter. The penalty will run from the day the assignment was due until the day it is submitted to Quercus. The penalty period includes weekends and holidays. Assignments that are submitted more than seven (7) days late will not be accepted.


Module Four Writing Assignment Rubric

Module Four Writing Assignment Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUnderstanding of conceptsSuperior Excellent Good Adequate Inadequate Marginal
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplicability and relevance of concepts to storySuperior Excellent Good Adequate Inadequate Marginal
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplicability and relevance of academic articlesSuperior Excellent Good Adequate Inadequate Marginal
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat and organizationSuperior Excellent Good Adequate Inadequate Marginal
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCommunication of ideasSuperior Excellent Good Adequate Inadequate Marginal

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