Solved: Your Body language may shape who you are


Watch this video, (or read the closed captions), of a Ted Talk with Amy Cuddy “Your Body language may shape who you are”  (opens in a new tab, runs 20:48)

For your first post write a paper of at least 300 words and answer the following 2 questions:

1) The following is a description of the Amy Cuddy Ted Talk Video that you have watched. Read this description that is set out below and look for things that you think are not correct about the description. For your first answer provide at least one example of what you think is not correct with this description and explain why.

Amy Cuddy is a social psychologist who gave a TED Talk titled

 Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are” 1. In her talk, she discusses how changes in body language can impact personal presence. She explains that adopting a “power pose” for just two minutes can increase testosterone levels and decrease cortisol levels, leading to increased confidence and reduced stress 1.

         Process improvement is all about change, using critical thinking        and research skills to evaluate if Professor Cuddy’s solution is a        viable solution. In this case, Professor Cuddy’s solution is a           personal change that can be considered a process improvement initiative. This is because it involves changing one’s behavior to improve their personal and professional life. By adopting a power pose, individuals can improve their confidence and reduce stress, which can lead to better performance in various aspects of their life 1.

In conclusion, Professor Cuddy’s solution can be considered a process improvement initiative. It is a simple yet effective way to improve one’s personal presence and performance. By adopting a power pose, individuals can improve their confidence and reduce stress, which can lead to better outcomes in various aspects of their life. However, it is important to note that this is not a one-size-fits-all solution and may not work for everyone. It is important to evaluate the effectiveness of this solution on an individual basis 1.

2) After watching the video and reading the description of Cuddy’s work, explain how the work does or does not  relate to you.

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