solved: Your team must record your final presentations as a 10-12 minute video


Your team must record your final presentations as a 10-12 minute video, upload it to YouTube, and submit the YouTube link to Canvas by 11:59 p.m. Eastern on June 29. Do not submit the video file directly on Canvas.  During the residency, you will get more details about best practices for this assignment and technology support for recording your video.

Through this project, you will analyze and compare the organizational culture of two different organizations in the same industry, based on their visual presentation. TIP: Most information about organizational culture can be found in Week 4.

All members of the group must speak.

Collect 10-20 pictures of the work environments of different organizations. Use your own photographs or those found online or in other media.

Using what you’ve learned about organizational culture during the term, describe the story told by these images, comparing what the experiences of working in these organizations might be like. Be sure to specifically address the following questions in your presentation:

Is the workplace formal or informal?

How is the staff organized?

Do you see evidence of status/power differentials?

What values seem to be important to the organization?

Does the physical environment support teamwork and collaboration?

Develop a presentation to share the highlights of your analysis and comparison. The slides should focus on the images, while your oral presentation should focus on your group’s interpretation and analysis.

If your presentation exceeds 12 minutes, you will be graded based on the information presented in the first 12 minutes. Therefore, it is strongly suggested that you rehearse your presentation as a group in advance.

By 11:59 p.m. Eastern June 29, ONE member of your team should submit the following to this assignment:

The Group’s PowerPoint or Google Slides slides (in .pptx or .pdf format)

The Group’s notes or talking points from each group member (in narrative or bullet form), highlighting the interpretation, analysis, and comparison of the pictures. This can be a Word, text, or PDF document, or you can use the “Notes” section of your PowerPoint slides submitted above. 

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