Strategic Marketing


Assignment (10 pts, due by March 31)

  • Gaining insights from secondary data
  • Find the secondary data addressing each of the research questions/topics.
  1. Growth of the Digital Economy:
  • Find the data reflecting the sales revenue from digital goods, such as mobile apps, digital
    services, and online content over the past years. Also, find the data reflecting the sales
    revenue from physical goods over the past years. Compare them and see which
    generates more revenue.
  1. Primary Buyers of Digital Goods:
  • Identify who is more likely to buy digital goods. Find demographic data on the primary
    buyers of these digital goods, considering factors like age and gender, etc.
    Assignment (10 pts, due by March 31)
  1. Popularity of Social Media Platforms and User Profiles:
  • Determine which social media platforms are most or least popular among consumers.
    Find the data that reveals the popularity of social media platforms and the active user
    base of each platform. Investigate the type of consumers using each platform and if
    there are any differences in the demographics of active users (e.g., age, gender,
    occupation, etc.) across each platform.
  1. Social Media and Emotion:
  • Investigate which types of emotions are more likely to go viral or elicited in social media.
    Do online users experience positive emotions (e.g., fun, humor, amusement) more
    frequently? or negative emotions (e.g., anger, sadness, etc.)?
  1. Political Identity and Consumption Behavior:
  • Investigate if there are any differences in consumption or spending behavior among
    liberals and conservatives.
    Assignment (10 pts, due by March 31)
    1) Your report should be in PPT slide format.
    2) For each topic/research question, find at least two secondary findings.
    3) The report must include graphs/figures/tables that summarize the quantitative data.
    4) Include the summary of the findings and what the data suggests.
    5) Cite the exact sources of raw data and articles (where and when the data were published). Also,
    include the webpage address if you are collecting the information online.
     The following are examples of secondary data sources available for use. However, you’re free to use
    any other data source. Just be sure to cite the data’s origin. You can also consult a librarian at Lehman.
  • Pew Research Center, Statista, Euromonitor International,, Gallup, RAND Corporation
     Grading Criteria:
  • Relevance of the findings, provision of detailed data and graphs, comprehensive and thoughtful
    No Class on Thursday (March 21)
  • Use the time to work on the assignment.

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